Original topic:

Samsung Watch 6 LTE does not work standalone (without phone)

(Topic created: 08-06-2024 10:10 AM)
Galaxy Watch

This post is not asking a solution (unless it changed). Just giving my feedback because that's what the agent told me to do it. 


We ordered a Smart Watch 6 (LTE) for my son for his birthday present. 

Because so many of his friends have Apple Watch that works as a "standalone" device, no need a phone, but can communicate with others through texts and calling. 

Even though I asked my son to get an AppleWatch like everyone else, he strongly wanted to get a Samsung one. I am not sure why. But now he is crying. 

When I searched I found this article (https://www.samsung.com/ca/support/mobile-devices/samsung-smartwatch-set-up-without-a-phone/) and so on,,  said "Samsung smartwatch recent model/certain model works without phone." 

Also, we went to Verizon to confirm that "standalone" that my understanding is correct, and they said Yes. Plus, Samsung agent through the chat said "Samsung Smartwatch works as a stand alone if it said "LTE".

So, we ordered through Samsung.com and came yesterday. 

We went to Verizon to set up with new Watch. The verizon employee helped to set up but she said something does not work on her side and we went to another Verizon store but he said same thing. 

Today, we called Verizon callcenter and they tried with me for about 30mins and failed. 

After that, I contacted through the Chat/Text service that Samsung provided.

After greeting and share my concerned about setting up with Verizon and all the detail, I wanted to make sure so asked these:

"using my husband's phone that he already have a watch, but now we are setting up my son's watch to my husband phone. And we will use that watch as a whole new number so my son can text to others without my husband connection. correct?" and

"my husband's phone is just helping setting up my son's new watch. But it will be all set it up as a separate device. Correct?" 

He did not reply my answer but he offered the remote support service.

So I did with him almost 40 mins of setting up and 

he said "using while the phone is far away or ~~ the watch should be connected to your phone to use it" 

(Mr. ** why didn't you read my message and assumed, so I waisted another 40mins....) 

Anyway, from my search and Samsung, Verizon agents, it seems like Watch6 should work as "standalone" device "without phone" but still can call and text .

Am I wrong? Why Verizon and Samsung both agents says Samsung Watch 6 "LTE" should work as standalone (not rely on someone's phone) but does not work that way? 

Here's suggestions:

1. Please make it very clearly that which models works and which models doesn't work with this ability (using table!?) 

2. Delete that article above.

3. Also, train your agents

4. If you want customers like me (giving kids phone without smart phone option) do something for them. 

 We spent so many hours and efforts for this issue to fix, I am very disappointed with Samsung at this moment. + Frustrated to all the return process. 

11 Replies
Galaxy Watch
Have you tried factory resetting your phone?
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Hello, Welcome to the Community, and thank you for reaching out. We understand how frustrating it is to not be able to connect to the LTE service on your watch.

This link provides steps for setting up your watch: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00078020/

This link provides steps to activate the LTE services, and some links to troubleshooting activation errors: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00082122/

If these steps do not work, you will need to work with your service provider to activate the watch on LTE services.
