Original topic:

Setting Max HeartRate has disappeared today

(Topic created: Friday)
Galaxy Watch

I have been adjusting my MAX HEARTRATE via the Samsung Health app on my Samsung phone.

Galaxy Watch 6.

Today, the HOME screen is "different" splash screen and when I enter my recent workout, and select the ">" arrow to right of "HEART RATE ZONES", and then press the "i" button, no longer does it come up with ability to adjust MAX HEART RATE.

Is it moved to another location?

I rebooted phone, rebooted watch.   Nothing .

Samsung obviously changed something since the HOME SCREEN has a new "splash" screen with info about "new features" ... but it looks like you REMOVED feature of setting MAX HEART RATE maybe.

please help

2 Replies
Galaxy Watch

Same problem here. It reset my max heart rate to the 220 minus your age. My max heart rate is much higher than that and I can't figure out how to change it. 

Neutron Star
Galaxy Watch

Apparently, this current update to Samsung health believes it can estimate our max heart rate better than us. It says they calculate the max based on age, height, weight and measurements (presumably what we have input into the app.).  But, it also says you can set your own max rate, while giving no link/control to do it. Did they just forget to put it back? I just calculated mine based on the standard formula or 200 - age, and Samsung's calculation was accurate. But that formula is on based on one criterion-age.  The fact that Samsung appears to also calculate the shape you are in, I would think, makes it more accurate based on current health standards. 

They should bring back the manual adjustment though -- and I actually hate the new home page splash.