Original topic:

Watch Ultra battery life since January update

(Topic created: 02-19-2025 06:31 AM)
Galaxy Watch
I have the most recent update from January and have noticed my battery life lasts less than 2 days. After charging, it says a day and 22 hours, but was lasting much longer. I don't use the AOD, and only have a few apps installed and nothing recently. I don't have any battery thirsty apps installed and am very picky about what apps I do install. I have the pre installed apps, Spotify, buds app and a temperature app. It might be just the 3 apps that I added. I also use one of the One UI 6 watch faces and the screen times out after 15 seconds. I left the stock settings except for the AOD, and show battery life while charging, that i have turned both off. The adaptive brightness is off and the screen brightness is set to about 25-30%

My battery was lasting approx 3 days when it was new and since the January update it's less than 48. This is the watch face I've been using since day one, so i don't believe it could be cause of the loss in battery. 

Leaving the screen on while charging caused screen burn on my watch 4 and so that is a feature I turned off on both my watch 6 and now the ultra. I also make sure to remove it from the charger once charging is complete so as not to overcharge it. I that the very first Samsung watch with the camera on the strap and left it on the charger too long and the battery swelled up splitting the seam. I'd imagine overcharge protection is available on the watch since then but the ultra was rather expensive and don't want to damage my expensive investment. 


1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Hello RyanSr, Thank you for being part of the Community. We understand how frustrating it is for the battery to drain on your Galaxy Watch Ultra. Give these troubleshooting steps a try for battery drain and help determining what is causing the battery drain:

1. Check the diagnostics in the Members app under the support tab to check the hardware.

2. Give these links a try for some troubleshooting steps for reduced battery life on your watch: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG0100323/ and https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00078033/

3. You can also try to change the mobile network connection to auto. 

Just Swipe down > Settings > Connections>Mobile Networks > Auto

4. Last step would be to do a factory reset, https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00084702/.

We also recommend submitting an error report through the Members app. Members app>Support>Connected device diagnostics>select your watch

If the issue continues, the watch will need to be serviced. For service options, you can use the following link: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/  or by contacting customer service directly at 1-800-726-7864.

If you are using an international watch, we would recommend reaching out to the service team in your area using the following link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html
