Original topic:

"Seems like you've stopped. Finish workout?"

(Topic created: 04-25-2024 12:02 PM)
Galaxy Watch

As the subject and location suggests, my watch during the middle of a workout has started repeatedly pausing the workout and saying "Seems like you've stopped. Finish workout?" And it does not matter how much I'm moving, how high my heart rate is, or how many times I tell it to resume. The watch did not do this last month and it does not matter what workout I'm doing. Whether I'm walking, running, lifting weights, rowing, doing a dynamic workout, about every 20 seconds to 2 minutes this notification pops up.

I've done everything I can from restarting the watch, resetting the watch, checking for updates, going into each exercise choice and turning off "Auto Pause", going into the settings and turning off "Activities to detect" on both the phone Samsung Health app and in the watch. I've even called Samsung tech support and the man I talked to was saying that it must be an app causing it but i've turned off all app notifications except messaging apps.

The only thing I can think that might be going on is I cannot change "Auto detect workouts" in the Advanced option of the Samsung Health app settings.

I need help.

78 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
It's definitely not an auto pause issue. I've turned off all that stuff and it still happens. I'm about to throw this piece of garbage watch into the street amd run it over. šŸ˜¤
Galaxy Watch

Exercise stops and I get a message that says have I stopped or continue

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Same! Annoying and needs to get fixed
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Saw another post that said to turn off Auto Pause but the post was old and I don't see an Auto Pause setting
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I had a watch update yesterday and I had hoped it would have fixed this stupid thing. It did not. Samsung sucks.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Thank you for following up. I can certainly understand your frustration with the workouts not functioning as expected. I would recommend submitting an error report as this will allow out team of engineers to get a hands-on look at the symptoms you are experiencing. Please use this link for the steps to properly submit an error report: https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/how-do-i-send-an-error-report/


I would also recommend reaching out to our Samsung Health team directly using the contact information in this link for further assistance: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Samsung-Apps-and-Services/Samsung-Support-Acknowledgement/td-p/2...

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I sent the error report as requested. This is a software issue, not a Samsung health issue. I hope someone fixes this soon as this watch was expensive and not functioning in the way it should.
Galaxy Watch
Many of us have done these exact things. Bottom line is, the watch will automatically pause workouts (sometimes several times within a minute) and make it impossible to track.
This is a huge software issue that ruins the biggest reason many of us have spent money on this watch.
What's the point in a fitness tracker that doesn't track? Heck, if you try to use it the constant vibration from auto stop actually hinder said workouts.
Galaxy Watch
Stop with asking for an error report. There is 50 + ppl who left comments about this issue and multiple reddit posts with thousands of posts about this world wide. This is a software issue that needs to be fixed on your end. The error report is the same for every single person who has thus watch!!! You have the report from the first person who sent it to you now fix it! And tell ur employees at stores who are wearing this watch on their wrist to stop acting stupid like they don't know **bleep** we are talking about when we go to ask why this is happening. You guys are handling this terribly.
Galaxy Watch
I am seeking information on how to set activity auto to off. I do swimming laps and also water aerobics but sometimes my watch stops recording and will not start back. I work out sometimes for over an hour and a half but it only records for 45 minutes. Can anyone help me?