Original topic:

Beware of Updating Bespoke software?

(Topic created: Thursday)
Kitchen and Family Hub

Two months after the 12 month warranty had expired on our Bespoke Side-by-Side Refrigerator (model RS28CB760012AA), the SmartThings app showed a software update was available. While the software was updating, the app informed that the refrigerator would be turned off. After the upgrade, the refrigerator never turned back on. The refrigerator was receiving power, but the appliance was "dead."

Four plus hours were spent on the phone trying to get to the right Samsung people to trouble shoot the problem. All trouble shooting failed. The refrigerator was receiving power, but the appliance was "dead." All of the contents of the freezer and most of the refrigerator were lost.

Since the refrigerator was out of warranty, Samsung Care's 3rd party service provider (Service Quick, Inc) required a $140 payment BEFORE a technician visit could be scheduled. The earliest available appointment was a week later. During this visit the technician would diagnose the problem and provide a quote then a time to repair the appliance would be scheduled. They will not allow you to contact the local Service Quick provider and the address they provided for this local company could not be verified by an internet search.

I chose to use a local service. They confirmed power was going to the Main Control Board, but there was no power on the board. When attempting to order a replacement part, they discovered the Main Control Board for this model is on BACKORDER and will not be available for at least 12 days. The recent software update must have "killed" a lot of Bespoke refrigerators to exhaust their inventory!

If your Samsung appliance is out of warranty, I would suggest not going through Samsung Care if you want a timely diagnosis and repair.

Has anyone else experienced this problem with the Bespoke refrigerator software upgrade?

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