Original topic:

Family Hub refrigerator Calendar app no longer connected to calendars - fine on family hub mobile

(Topic created: 06-08-2022 06:23 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

The calendar app on the family hub 'disconnected' our calendars but I still see them connected on my family hub mobile app.

The calendar shows up on the family hub fridge but there are no longer our connected calendars.

When I select the "Connect Calendars" option on the family hub calendar (on fridge), I get a screen that says "Pair Device..." (unusual?), and then soon after get a message that "An error occurred. Please try again".

Can I reinstall/reset/resync the calendar app on the family hub fridge? I know it's still working since it's all 'normal' on my family hub mobile app (note: did NOT update to new version on the fridge - phew!)

Additional info: I noticed in the Family Hub fridge's Settings/Profiles option - I also get the same error msg that "An error occurred. Please try again" (what happened to our profiles?!!). But note in the Memo app on the fridge, our profiles show up fine.

Appreciate advice on resyncing/getting back our profiles on the family hub fridge (I know it's there, just not on our fridge!). Is this something Samsung technical support can resync from their end?

Thank you


2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hi there! I can certainly understand how frustrating it would be to not have your calendars showing up correctly. I recommend reaching out directly to our SmartThings team by calling 1-866-813-2404. They will have the best tools and resources to assist with this. 

Kitchen and Family Hub

Just want to followup with the resolution for this issue.

The Samsung tech support recommended I reboot (NOT reset) my fridge tablet by switching it off, waiting 30 seconds then switch it back on. If you are like me and don't know where this reboot switch is located, it is on the top right side of the fridge door, accessed on the inside. It is a bright red 'on/off' switch.

After I rebooted the one time, it took a few tries on the calendar app and the profile settings before there were no more error msgs (just closed and opened the app a few times - it got 'further' each time until it was all back to normal with our existing profiles showing - yay!).
