Original topic:

Jetbot Vacuum with Self-Empty Bin Mapping Question

(Topic created: 08-31-2023 12:11 PM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

I recently purchased a Samsung Jetbot Vacuum. Let me start by saying WOW. It's incredible. I do have a couple of concerns/questions. 

I am someone who regularly rearranges my furniture. It's really weird because with each cleaning I can see that the Lidar sees that furniture is rearranged as it shows it "vacuumable" - however I'm wondering why it doesn't store the "new" layout automatically since it can clearly tell couches/chairs/tables are moved. Maybe they could change it to after 2 times of the same rearrangement it overwrites the original map? It's just weird that it can clearly see the change....and clean the carpet around the change....but still stores the original furniture layout. 
Anyone else encounter this?
2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hello there! We're so thrilled to hear you're loving your new vacuum! Thanks so much for asking about the mapping features. If you click the link below, it will take you to our FAQs page about the mapping feature, where you can learn more about how it works. 


Kitchen and Family Hub
A LONG time back I vocalized an idea about the Jet Vacuum being able to update the current map setup when furniture was rearranged. 

This week when I vacuumed and the little Jetbot got back to his station to empty the bin he said "now updating the map". It was such a surprise! Nice to hear that Samsung hears their users' feedback and makes helpful changes! It feels like we have a voice with our ideas/enhancement requests. 

(Original post attached)