Original topic:

+Black line running half way across screen**NOT Vertical Banding lines**

(Topic created: 05-30-2023 07:45 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Projectors & Other TVs
I just got this Samsung TV exactly 1 year ago. It is out of reach, has never been touched, and always up keep with updates etc.. out of nowhere this thin black horizontal line near the top of the TV showed up and is more noticeable on the left and gets better going to the right. It is NOT VERTICAL BANDING LINES, this is a singular, hair thin, HORIZONTAL line thay doesn't go across the full screen. Just want to be clear as a moderator deleted this post without providing help and jusr referenced a post that as ZERO to do with my issuelike that was gelp of ome kind. I wish i could post the screen shot. And how he deleted the PM . If any Moderator Managers can help please it would be great as thos is getting very old. 🙏🏼
3 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Projectors & Other TVs
TV is UN50TU7000 model fyi
Cosmic Ray
Projectors & Other TVs
Thank you, and you're absolutely 100% right. So I opened a ticket with actual Samsung customer retention and escalated it as high as i could. I've had Mods literally delete this post with 0 explanation and it gets sp much deeper over a problem a mom and pop shop said on FaceTime when I showed them a $45 to $80 job. Customer service is atrocious. It's just disappointing. Do better Samsung
Community Manager
Community Manager
Projectors & Other TVs

Hello, Thank you so much for reaching out about this. I can definitely understand your frustration with having your previous post removed. While vertical banding may appear different than the line you are seeing on your TV, any image issues with the TV will have the same troubleshooting steps. To avoid clutter in the community we often remove posts if the troubleshooting steps for the issue is already posted. However, I'm happy to help you here. For this issue, we recommend following the steps in this link: 


Once these steps are completed, if the line is still present on the screen, the unit will require service. There are a few options here we can take based on your warranty status. 
If you’re in the one-year manufacturer’s warranty, please gather together the full model and serial number of your unit, and have ready your name, street address, 2 phone numbers (Best contact, alternative number), email, and place of purchase. Provide this information to an agent, in one of the following options below:
1.) Reach out to a Moderator directly, by selecting our name and the message option. When messaging please use a link to this thread in addition to the info above.
2.) Reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Please provide the same info as above, as well as the link to your thread.
3.) You can also contact 1-800-726-7864, if you’d like to speak with a live agent about this situation.
4.) Last, if you wish to speak with a live agent and don’t want to call in, you can reach out to our Live Chat team. 
If you’re out of the one-year manufacturer’s warranty: 
1. You can utilize this link to locate an authorized service center in your area to obtain estimates for repairs: http://www.Samsung.com/us/support/service/location or reach out to any local repair shop.
2. The other option, would be a replacement of the unit. Samsung.com offers amazing deals on different models that may be to your liking, check out those deals here: https://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/tvs/all-tvs/