Original topic:

Isolating My Frame

(Topic created: a month ago)
QLED and The Frame TVs

After aquiring and setting up my Frame I was disturbed to find out that everytime I turned my Samsung Q90 TV on or off, my Frame would switch from art mode to TV mode. Since my Frame is used soley to display my photography and never as a tv it was a real PITA!  I found no solution as to how to change the remote frequency and the solution from Samsung was to move the Frame to a different room!

I realized that the communication between the remote and t he Frame was IR, So I took some aluminum foil folded it a few times, and folded it into the bottom decorative frame member where its cut out for the IR sensor essentially blocking the IR sensor.  Works like a charm and the Frame is no longer controled by thebTV remote. Easily reverible in 30 seconds as well.

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