Original topic:

QN50Q60AA Screen Starts to Fade to Black and then Resets

(Topic created: Sunday)

Was watching Sunday Night Football and all of a sudden the TV screen started turning black (from the top left of the screen -- as if someone had poured a liquid on it as the blackness spreads downward) and then it shows the QLED display and resets.

I have searched the forums for solutions, but the only items I have been able to attempt is unplugging the TV for 30+ seconds and changing the outlet in which the TV is plugged.  No luck.  Getting to the TV menu system to try for an update or to reset has not been successful as the menu system has become sluggish and the TV resets before I can get to proper menu item.

Is there anything else I can try?  Do I need to call support to see if it can be fixed?  It is a three year old TV.  Certainly would have expected it to last longer.

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
I would contact Samsung care my guess is it's a component