Original topic:

Auto Blocker

(Topic created: 9 hours ago)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
Wow, just heard Google and Samsung are being sued over it. The feature they claim gives Playstore a monopoly. It blocks users from using other app stores. Lawsuit by the makers of Fortnite.

I'm glad Google is being called out for It's overreach so this throws persistent scanning for so-called viruses into question and scrutiny. Users can get their own protection and apps from other places. I already do from 3 and Google is last resort. I don't keep an account active because I do not agree with their collect all in their terms of agreement. I'm not agreeing to that. If I use Playstore it's a run thru and jump off. 

We have been telling Samsung some of their partners are predators which is a deterrent to purchasing new products from them. For example, those AI laptops. Time to protect your customer base. Or you will be fighting to retain and attract them. I'm not buying to be preyed on or stalked. No experience i want. I like Samsung products but not that much. I need privacy and security. Not from hackers but Google, Microsoft, Meta and the rest.
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