Original topic:

Battery Charging Improvement

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services


It would be great if you introduce a new battery charging feature that allows us to automatically charge our phone over wifi and mobile data.

This way, we can always keep a 100% charge without having to plug our phone in and risk overcharging anymore.

Plus, it'll help when we're not by a wall socket or anything. Also, once the battery is 100% charged, it will not be possible to overcharge.

Lastly, a free app would be great to download for current phones. Thanks.

4 Replies
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Samsung Apps and Services
That's years away from being implemented into cell phones

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Red Giant
Samsung Apps and Services
The physics for your idea doesn't exist. Wi-Fi and mobile data only transfer data, not electrical power. If this was possible, it would be harmful to human tissue and illegal! A microwave oven uses radio waves to transfer energy to food and must be completely sealed closed to operate, preventing exposure to anything outside the oven.
Samsung Apps and Services

It's no more dangerous than just having a mobile device, period.

Also, it would be safer on the phone to automatically charge when needed and stop when not needed.

Also, it's safer for when somewhere and can't get a charge.

Also, the technology is already here. With Life Alert, their battery never needs charging. It's gotta come from somewhere; especially, for portable devices when someone is walking or something.

Also, some printers have remote cartridge fill up which I don't know how it works but with advances in technology, Samsung CAN do wifi and mobile power charge from the air just like when we go online.

Life Alert and some printers do it. So can Samsung and other mobile companies. It's NOT just for 50+ years from now. It's now.

Red Giant
Samsung Apps and Services
Be my guest. If you want to be microwaved alive, go for it! Just don't go beyond medium rare because you will no longer taste any good. Are you aware of the concerns with potential tissue damage being caused to people by 5G cellular radiation, and you want it to be more powerful so that it can charge your phone. You need to look into things before you talk.