Original topic:

How do I restrict my SmartThings data from being sent to AWS?

(Topic created: 01-15-2025 08:30 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

I received an email and a notification from Alexa telling me that a battery in one of my devices is running low, with a link to order it from Amazon. 

I have an Amazon account and the Amazon App, but I don't have Alexa or the Alexa App.  I never asked for this "service" nor did I ever permit this data sharing.  I've used both the Amazon App and SmartThings for years and never received such notification.  I've made no changes to my settings. 

How do I restrict all data sharing from SmartThings to AWS?  I have zero interest in this level of automation and privacy intrusion.

I am becoming quite tired of my devices, which I've paid for, being held hostage for ransom of a continuous stream of my private information.

11 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Thanks, that was how I found out that SmartThings utilizes AWS and why I posted here. I purchased a Samsung SmartThings Hub and I use the Samsung SmartThings App on my Samsung Phone. I don't have an Alexa device (except for my Samsung phone until 5 minutes ago, when I discovered that somehow it had become an Alexa device, and subsequently unregistered it). So, my perspective is that it is Samsung's responsibility to safeguard my information generated by the Hub and Phone I purchased from them, instead of whatever the **bleep** they did within the deal they made when they cozied up with Amazon that resulted in Amazon obtaining detailed information about my IoT without my express permission.
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

Is it perhaps in the TOS that no one reads? That registering the hub connects to certain services? Sometimes you need a magnifying glass and a fine tooth comb.  I know you have to consent to use a device with Smart Things.