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Notification Channels - OneUI 6.1 Disabled by Default??????

(Topic created: 8 hours ago)
Samsung Apps and Services
Why on God's green earth would Samsuck make this feature now a hidden and default disabled feature?! This is one of the most useful features that was ever added to Android and removing it is actually the most backwards step they have ever made in OneUI. The only other step this dumb they made was removing profiles. Please revert this change for the next OneUI update because this should not be such a pain to figure out. Good lord!

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

Everyone is wondering the same thing, especially since new users don't even know that setting exists in the first place.  I am actually not exactly sure whether it's a OneUI thing or an Android thing, since the settings to turn on/off notification categories only appeared since Android 14. In Android 13 on my S10 lite, there is no such setting in the notification settings, and in the app settings, notification categories are just there. I am almost sure it is a UI  thing, because every time there's been a UI update, the categories get turned off by default and I end up having to re-enable them.  This is asinine as, if anything, the categories should be on and remain on by default.