Original topic:

Samsung Global user accounts

(Topic created: a week ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

I have 2 different phones on thesame Samsung account. Previously, the Global Goals app was able to differentiate which phone & email account was being used on each phone. Now it seems that they are running on the same account simultaneously. 

Where is the area to add your specific email account along with the Samsung account? That area seems to have been removed. 
Any ideas?
7 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I've never really understood what the global goals app is really even for. I always uninstall it as soon as I get a new device every time.
Samsung Apps and Services
It is an app that uses the ads that show up in between its informative articles and videos to raise funds for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. You can also choose to subscribe to make a monthly donation. Or make it just a one time thing. Whatever you earn through the ads to donate is matched by Samsung, so your donation is doubled. I have not used it as much lately as I used to. But I have donated over $1300 so far. Many have donated thousands more. It has its own Paderborn, challenges with friends, etc.
It is a great charity app.
I just can't understand why they would remove the individual Gmail or email account logins when I have more than 1 phone on my Samsung account. None of this ever happened before Samsung offloaded its Gallery backup feature to Microsoft One Drive.
Since One Drive only recognizes the Samsung account, if I login on one device with it I cannot use it on another on a separate Microsoft account without having to go on a computer to disconnect the account before I can attach the other in the other phone.
Why? Well, if I install it on one device and the other as well the photos from the first device logged in show up on the other. Totally insecure. This even happens if I use a separate Microsoft account in my Work Profile under a separate password login in the phone.
One thing for certain, it is a sneaky way to find out what photos your significant other has in their phone! Hazardous if you have sensitive documents from work, though. Great espionage back door.
Way to go Samsung and Microsoft on that one!
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
That's why I prefer a Google one subscription with Google photos as my cloud storage and a 1tb samsung portable ssd for physical backup that I sync once a month. Btw thanks for the reminder, time to do my monthly sync
Samsung Apps and Services
I never use Google. I've had my Gmail phosphorus too many times. It's bad enough that some Google debrief or other weirdo messed up our Samsung unlock feature just because they can't do it on theirs. No one likes having to factory reset their entire device did to a lockout. I've had to do that a few times since they discontinued it. It's like it's some sort of game to them. Truthfully, I have other things to do. But I had the phone set up to do them more than on the computer for my pen convenience. Even on the computer they have given me problems. I don't know why I have become the center of their universe.
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
This is actually because of hackers. Unfortunately
Samsung Apps and Services
Oh, and I was using DeGoo 1000GB through Samsung until they dumbed it down to 20GB and dumped they backups I had of the stuff from my older phones that I had in there. Luckily I have other redundant backups both on and offline. So, I switched to TeraBox 1024GB. It's convenient with the auto backups. Try it. It's a little weird with the ads, but you can pay a small fee to remove them.
Samsung Apps and Services
Terabox is the best. And it's free also. You can play games and earn yourself up to 1 tb if storage, just can't beat that anywhere. Try it. I absolutely Love it. It's on point to, I have even uninstalled it to make room for other things, then after a while, go back , reinstall it, log In, and everything is just like I left it. It's great.