Original topic:

Samsung E-Mail ready for sign-in with Google?

(Topic created: a month ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

I've been getting warnings from my Google account, that login into Google services (i.e. e-mail) will require apps to be using Login with Google methods, called OAuth


I'm using Samsung E-Mail, I use it for various e-mail accounts, not just google, and would prefer to keep using it.

Google is saying I need to have this updated by Sep 30 or lose access to my e-mail through standard login methods (username / password).

Does anyone know if I'm able to change the login method on Samsung e-mail app to comply with Google requirements for my Google e-mail accounts already, I didn't see a clear way to do that in settings.

I see an update available to Samsung e-mail to, but don't see any mention in release info about this version adding Login with Google options.   There doesn't seem to be a chronological log of release information for these Samsung apps unfortunately like well documented software usually provides.

With the often awful reviews I see on Google Play for this app from people who have upgraded from what has been previously working well, to what they now experience as terrible experience, I'm not keen to upgrade simply to find out if the upgrade will allow me to keep using this app for all my Google e-mail needs.

If anyone knows and can shed some light on their experience with my specific concerns, please share.



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