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Samsung Health Feature Requests and Feedback

(Topic created: 08-05-2024 07:29 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

I have a feature request that would be a very helpful for weight training, to have a page to add and customize your workouts like squats and benchpress etc, as well as create a routine that you can follow with integration on samsung health on the watch, example apps jefit and strong lifts.

130 Replies
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

It does not start as soon as you lay down. It starts when it detects your heart rate to be low enough to be considered asleep. You can check the health app when you are done relaxing and when you are going to sleep for real to see if anything got recorded and delete any erroneous data.  You can also take your watch off while relaxing and then put it on when you are ready to actually sleep.

Samsung Apps and Services
I have this problem for my wake time. I have chronic insomnia and am able to meditate to keep my heart rate low when I wake up in an effort to try and go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the watch counts that towards my sleep, so even though I was awake most of the night, it taunts me with an excellent sleep score lol. Definitely miss the Fitbit app for this reason though
Samsung Apps and Services
Same problem with false sleep recording. And even badges for "excellent" sleep triggered by waking up to go to bathroom in middle of the night!
Truly irritating šŸ˜‘
Samsung Apps and Services
I agree that this is a long long long over due feature that samsung seems to ignore the scores of people online complaining that several competitors have it but they fail to do a simple feature.
Samsung Apps and Services

When creating a custom food, there is no way to enter a serving size except for in calories. I would like to be able to add a serving size in grams. When I go to log my food, the mass of the food is in grams and then I would have to translate how many grams are in a serving. Other apps do this already.


For example:

I add a cheese to my eggs.

I mass my cheese. Today it was 17 grams of cheese.

In one serving there are 345kcals in 100 grams of this cheese.

There is no place to enter that there are 100 grams per serving.

When I go to track my cheese intake, I would have to do math. 345*.17 to get my amount. I don't want to do math every time. I would just like to enter 17g of cheese into the app. Until this feature is added, I will continue to use Macros, an app that supports this very basic function.

Samsung Apps and Services
The Samsung Health app should have an easy-to-glance view/graph of daily calories burned vs calorie intake. 

Right now, the two metrics are in completely separate screens of the app, resulting in a poor UX for assessing diet in relation to exercise. The user cannot easily determine if they're in a calorie surplus or deficit. 
Samsung Apps and Services

I would like to see dynamic medication reminders for XX number of hours after taking a dose. For example, if I have reminders set for medication 2x per day, 9am and 9pm, if I take a dose late (or early), say at 10 am, then I'd like to automatically get the next reminder for the next dose at 10PM instead of the original time of 9pm. Then I'd like the schedule to automatically adjust going forward to 10am/10 pm until I log medication at a different time.  Whatever time I take the medication, I'd like the app to be able to automatically set the next reminder for 12 hrs (or customized time period) after the initial dose is taken.


The way it is now I get reminders for 9am and 9pm no matter what time I log that I took medication.

Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I completely agree. If I say I have to take a medication 4 time a day, I'd like to specify WHEN. Some medication I take I'd take some doses closer together than others. Slitting a 4 dose up into 6 hours does me no good to be awoken in the middle of the night!
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

When I set up my medications, I put in the dosage amounts and specific times I want to take them. So, *you* set the schedule.  The app tries to divide up the dosage times, but you can tap the "suggested" times and set the actual time you want to take your meds.

Enter your med name, chose the med type (tablet, pill, cap, etc) and strength, click next > select shape (or skip), select color, click next > set your schedule, click "set time and dosage", select how many times a day.  If the schedule that comes up is not to your liking, tap each one of the times that is incorrect, and then set the time you want.  Then follow the rest of the steps and review and save (or revise).  You can go back and edit any time.

What the OP is asking for is for the app to automatically adjust the dosage interval if they take their meds at a different time than scheduled.  I wouldn't mind them making a dynamic adjustment for time zone changes for when I travel.  They can even make it an optional toggle to adjust or not adjust.

Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
Great point. I neglected to complete my thought as part of my point intended to suggest a skipped dose message as many drugs will prescribe you skip the dose to take the next dose on schedule rather than adjust, what I hadn't thought of was timezone changes for travlers.

Thanks for the detail on my predicament. I'll check it out and give that a shot as I've obviously missed some steps.