Original topic:

Samsung Health app wrong calculation of a food fat %.

(Topic created: a month ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

When I log meal in a Food section of the app, and select a Boiled Egg, for example. The macronutrients indicate 5.2g of Fat and 6.2g of Protein, and a the same time on the visual percentage pipe or bar it shows 63% fat and 34% protein. Which is wrong based on the Grammys data. 

To test further I've created a custom Test-meal, with 50g fat and 50g protein, expecting to get 50% of fat and 50% of protein, but application shows 69% fat and 31% protein. 

Then I created another Test-meal-2, with 0g fat and 100g protein. And this time app showed 100% protein. This test proves that the % shown is not from a dayly intake, but rather % just for this particular food item.

Lastly - created Test-meal-3 with 50g carbs and 50g protein, and app showes correct 50%/50% distribution.

So the issue is only with fat% calculation



2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello TVas, Welcome to the Community. We know how frustrating it is trying to track nutrition accurately.

We recommend submitting an error report immediately after recreating the error to provide the data to Samsung. This link provides the steps: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692



I have also noted this discrepancy in the Nutrition info pie chart. I am due for surgery and have been tracking my pre-surgery protein intake. For the past week, my protein intake has been well above my Fat, but the pie chart has always shown it the other way round!