Original topic:

Samsung Messages RCS on unlocked devices

(Topic created: a week ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

I buy unlocked devices and it's always aggravating that samsung messages rcs only work on carrier devices. Can't samsung rcs work universally on all carriers regardless of carrier device or unlocked 

5 Replies
Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services
Samsung doesn't have much of a choice since most sales in the US are through carriers. So, they just do what the carriers want.

You can either use RCS with Samsung messages from your carrier or have a bloatware-free device. I'd pick the bloatware-free device any day!
Samsung Apps and Services
Ur missing the entire point when I'm saying that rcs isn't working on unlocked devices in samsung messages. That has nothing to do with carriers but samsung allowing it to work. They already do csc switching based on what sim is in the phone. They might as well allow me to connect to rcs without having a carrier device. Not in Google messages but Samsung Messages
Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services
You have 2 things that are happening at the same time:

Google owns the Android platform, and they make the rules, and they see the future as one unified messaging app around the globe for over a billion devices.
They are slowly forcing Samsung to phase out their messaging app and adopting Google Messages only. This is happening on every Android device manufacturer if they have their own messaging app.

Carriers see this as a bonus for those who are on limited data plans since Google Messages unless you are on Wifi runs through data. They will force people onto higher data plans just for messaging.

Now that Iphones come September will support RCS, Carriers won't have to support SMS/MMS servers any longer.

Case in point: At the end of this month, Verizon is shutting down Message+, their messaging app that supported RCS. You will only be able to get RCS CHATS in Google Messages.

Samsung is a hardware company that pays licensing fees to Google to run Android on their devices. Samsung is not going to suddenly become a software company and implement their own OS so people can still run Samsung Messages.

No, I am not missing the point!
Samsung Apps and Services
U proven u don't know what ur talking about. System level or os level rcs is not integrated in android. It only exist in google messages the app. The only msg protocol integrated in android is sms and mms. To where u can switch ur msg client out and continue to get ur msg. U can't do that in rcs because it's not integrated at the system level. Samsung doesn't need their own os to support thet in their own app.

2nd carriers are switching their networks to jibe away their proprietary rcs servers. Which samsung messages connect to...

As far as samsung messaged go, it's not going away. There are plenty of countries samsung sell in that Google is not allowed. So no google messages.
So when I say update ur app to allow rcs messages is because samsung actively blocks this on their unlocked devices when carrier devices is already connected to Google Jibe via samsung message.

So u dont understand android, ppl have been waiting for rcs system apis for years.

U don't understand samsung messages as it control via their stupid csc files.

And u don't understand google messages and jibe as this had been a year long process to get carrier away from their proprietary servers which they are finally switching to googlr jibe which samsung messages currently work with.

Then have nerve to say Samsung need their own os to run rcs u sound ridiculous
Samsung Apps and Services
Samsung should have never allowed google to be the default app. Instead, they should have bolstered their app to include all the RCS related features. If we will be able to use RCS with iphones, then if i solely use Samsung Messages, i should have that same ability. Me using samsung messages in a group chat with a bunch of GM users, shouldn't hinder my features. Both companies need to do better in this. I for one, prefer SM over GM until GM brings over all the features that SM has.