Original topic:

Vip advantage cancelation stuck on my account

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I ordered and cancelled samsung vip advantage back in aug 2024. It was cancelled, I got refund, that all worked. I canceled because I bought the phone I wanted it for the previous day and so there is not a way to have lit cover a previous sale.

My problem is, now I want to order it in advance or simultaneously with a phone order but the system repeatedly tells me, "your vip subscription is in process of being canceled, try again in two hours" , which is same message ive gotten for last couple of months. 

I've bounced from samsung care to order support to vip care , I've had two agents create carts for me, one with just vip advantage in it and they all give me the same error.

Being a software programmer, I feel I know that their is a flag set on my account that says it's still in process, I need to have someone clear that flag but how to i get to that group?

I have a couple of escalations in work but need it fixed for the black Friday deals hopefully and I'd like it permanently fixed, which I think a purchaseof it would do, but I can't purchase it over the phone. All the carts they bui,d failed because of the same error.

Any ideas how I can get it to someone that can clear my account flag?
5 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello bchildress, Welcome to the Community. We understand the frustration of having this flag on the account preventing you from purchasing the package. Unfortunately, we are afraid we won't be much help here.

Are you creating the order from your phone? Have you tried submitting an error report? https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692

The matter would need to be resolved between the Accounts department and the Care+ Team.

Samsung Accounts team 1-855-795-0509

Samsung Care + 1-866-371-9501 https://www.samsung.com/us/support/samsung-care-plus/

Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I'll try that also, thanks
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

You are welcome. Let us know if you have additional questions.

Samsung Apps and Services
"May the odds be forever in your favor.":fire: šŸ˜¬ :fire:

Rooting for you.
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services

Haven't got a response on error report yet. Problem still exists