Original topic:

Airdresser ERROR 1C1, Failed 1 year and 1 month after purchase.

(Topic created: 09-19-2022 11:40 AM)
Washers and Dryers

DF60R8200DG Samsung Airdresser for over $1000 US Dollars is not inspiring confidence in Samsung Products.  Almost exactly 1 Year and 1 Month into its use (of course, when the warranty has ended), it has an Error Code 1C1 on the LCD Display.  According to Samsung, 1C1 indicates a "The level sensor in the steam chamber is malfunctioning."  No other information can be found on the internet about this problem, except for others complaining about the exact same issue, some only days after purchase.  

Is there any service manual, parts list, or ANY information at all about this product that can help identify the part number and location of this sensor inside the unit?







2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers
Unplug the AirDresser and ... check the connection of the electrode sensor in the steam chamber

Afterwards ... might be a good idea to clean the chamber as best as possible and be if inclined, the sensor.

Also, are you cleaning the Air Filter and Lint Filter per manual ?
Community Manager
Community Manager
Washers and Dryers

The 1c1 error does indicate that the sensor isn't working properly anymore and it's recommended to have the unit serviced. If you are wanting part numbers and such, you'd need to reach out to our Parts department at either samsungparts.com or by calling them at 1-800-627-4368.


If you'd like for us to set up a service ticket for you, please send a private message to any of the mods here with the full model and serial number of the Airdresser.


Or if you'd rather set up the service yourself, you can locate a service center near you via the following link: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/locations/



For more information about the different errors on the Airdresser:

