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Galaxy A14 5G SD Card Issues

(Topic created: Wednesday)
A Series & Other Mobile
Has anyone else have this problem where the A14 5G suddenly doesn't detect the sd card that hadn't been removed forever? It was working fine moving files/photos/music/etc to it from internal memory. Then it suddenly stopped detecting. I had to constantly restart my phone until it finally detected the card but then it was in read only mode! I backed up the card to my laptop and reformatted it and then copied everything back which took over 24 hours! This worked for a while but now my phone is doing it again not detecting or in read only mode. Help! Is this a defect with this model phone or....? I've had this phone for less than a year.
5 Replies
Legendary Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

@weena1956 It could be that the SD card is failing. Luckily you were able to backup your files. I would try a new SD card and see if you have the same issues. If not, then you know that the old SD card was unreliable. 

Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile

I agree, if the card has been in "forever" and has had a lot of activity, the card is probably going bad. SD cards are really cheap and it's easy to move stuff to another card, so why not do that just in case?  What's the worst that could happen, you have a fresh card that you can keep in your device "forever".

A Series & Other Mobile
Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't want to believe it but it looks like I'll have to get another card after all. The SD card (256GB) that's causing me aggravation in my phone now is only 6 months or so old. I probably used the wrong word when I said *forever* What I should have said was, once I put it in, I never removed it because I didn't have to and everything was working fine. Then suddenly it stopped detecting and then goes into read only mode when I can trick it to detect by restarting constantly. I guess that is a sure sign it's failing so I 'll follow yours and LongHiker's suggestion and get a new card. Thank you both so much for answering so quickly.
Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile

It's rare but not unheard of for a card to be defective from the start. Have you tried removing the card, cleaning it off and reseating it? Frankly, it's just easier to try a new card.

Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile
Where did you purchase the card? Is it a well-known brand? Iā€™ve actually come across this issue before, sometimes especially if you purchase an SD card from Amazon, and itā€™s unbranded. It may also be that the potentially disreputable seller has reprogrammed the card to make it appear larger than it is and replaced the label on the card. Then they sell a card that should perhaps be worth a couple of dollars for $30 or $40 and call it 256 gigabytes or 512 GB. Although this is most common with one terabyte cards. At that point, eventually, the card becomes corrupted because when it fills up, it will begin erasing the oldest data first and simply replacing it with new data. Now, if itā€™s a reputable brand card and/or a reputable seller (e.g., Best Buy, Walmart, etc.), as long as itā€™s shipped and sold by or purchased directly at that store, then this is a very real possibility.