Original topic:

How can I delete Samsung Cloud?

(Topic created: 05-27-2022 08:37 AM)
A Series & Other Mobile

Please help!! I just got a galaxy phone, a series, and I'm new to Samsung. I accidentally downloaded samsung cloud and it has taken a ton of memory and changed my device settings,etc. I do not wish to backup everything, just some things. I have nothing to restore right now. Can i.change all this somewhere, or how do I DELETE the cloud but KEEP  my samsung account? and what does that mean for me if I do? I do NOT want my text messages, meta data, anything like that out there floating around on the cloud. Please help!! IM CLUELESS OBVIOUSLY. 😁

5 Replies
A Series & Other Mobile
You can try opening setting and looking for the app there you might find the disable buttan or the Uninstaller there.
A Series & Other Mobile
I can definitely understand your concern about your info being stored online on cloud servers. Samsung products by default have 2 cloud storage options, 1 by Samsung & 1 by Google. You can change what both clouds back up.

One way is to search 'Backup data' on your device. Upon inputting 'Backup', the proper results will probably start showing.
You can either go to 'Apps' (the circle icon with 9 small square dots in it)
Then, use 'Search' (aka 'Finder') & input 'Backup data' or 'Backup'. 'Backup data' should be listed twice, 1 for Samsung, 1 for Google. It's best to check the options in both.

There's also another way of achieving the same thing.
'Apps'→'Settings'→'Accounts and backup'→'Backup data' (1 for Samsung, 1 for Google)
You can check your options within both.

With both methods, you could change the 1st steps. You could also pull down your notification bar to open up your notification panel & quick access, then at the top of the screen, tap the magnifying glass icon for 'Search' (aka 'Finder') or tap the gear icon for 'Settings'. Then you can proceed with the rest of the steps.

And as previously mentioned, if you'd want to disable 1 or both of the clouds, you can do so.
Samsung Cloud can be disabled.
Google Cloud is made up of different apps, primarily 'Drive', then 'Photos', & optionally 'One'. I believe 'One' can be uninstalled & backups can still function. 'Photos' handles your vids & pics. 'Drive' handles basically everything else that 'Photos' can't.
With both of those, you can uninstall their updates & disable them.

If you don't want to disable both sets of clouds & you're trying to decide which one has three capacity to perform more thorough backups- that would seem to be Samsung's.

If this has answered &/or solved your question or problem/issue, please mark this as an accepted solution via the 3 vertically stacked dots on the top right of this comment. Thanks!
A Series & Other Mobile
Thank you I'll try this!
A Series & Other Mobile
No problem! I hope it works like it should for you 🙂
A Series & Other Mobile
Me too but it looks like I don't have anything but a small device settings backup and I need one but don't really understand it all enough. Oh well