Original topic:

Please add an option to return to plain and simple without the undulation

(Topic created: a month ago)
A Series & Other Mobile

Please add an option to return to the plain look without the undulation. Just the line

It could be a discreet button, so we wouldn't need to open settings if possible, but not necessarily. And it would be set definitely, until we wanted to press again and change it. A very charming feature

Another possibility, a one-time device that eliminates the undulation. Perhaps replacing the box with a plain one

If anyone would like to create the device independently, if technically possible and if this is not against the rules, I'd pay for it if affordable

I do not read messages in the thread, though

You can offer it on playstore and let me know, please. A paid feature without ads

I hope someone likes the project

I'd appreciate greatly



Please refrain from posts that are not related to the technicality of the development

Again, for my personal protection I do not read messages in the thread. I hope I've given enough information about the idea for the upgrade



2 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

I don't think they will remove it since its on all media players 

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Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
You might want to test out other music players to see if you can find one without it. I never actually noticed it before because I do not spend any time at all looking at the music player widget when it's on. I just went and looked at mine, though (not Samsung's) and it has it too. I believe they all do. I also believe the widget is a functional control, not a video to be watched. If it truly bothers your sensory load, I suggest you just let the music player run in the notification area, so you don't have to see it while using your device when the player is in use. There are at least 20 players in the play store you can experiment with. You can always run the app in full screen, it does not have the waveform. The actual widget does not have the waveform either. 1736807161480.jpg1736807291075.jpg