Original topic:

Volume increase if I talk

(Topic created: 05-30-2024 08:51 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
A lot of the time I'll have my Right earbud in only so I can hear and talk to people around me.

If I talk, the bud will beep and increase in volume so I can't hear the person I'm talking to. 

I tried using the option to lower volume when talking for 5 seconds or something like that but still does the same thing. 

Anyone know how to disable the auto volume up while talking?
6 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello HiveGuardian, Thank you for reaching out and for being part of the Community! We understand the concern with the volume increasing while on a call.

Do you have the touchpad features active on the Buds? If so, try setting to another option than adjusting the volume.

You can also try resetting the Buds: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01218103/

Is this the only time you are hearing a beep from the buds?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
It's not during a call. It's when I'm listening to music but I have to talk to someone near me (reason I only have 1 bud in). There's no pad in buds... Are you talking about touch controls? It's not something that happens randomly... It happens when I speak and I guess the buds think they should get louder to compensate. You would think that the feature to lower volume if it detected you talking and go back when you stop would solve this but it ONLY raises the volume
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

My apologies, I misunderstood what you meant when you referred to talking to people.

Yes, the touch controls is what I was referring to. Is it possible that when you are talking you are activating the touch controls increasing the volume?

Have you tried resetting the Buds?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
Nope. Nothing near the volume button and as soon as I start talking I had a beep and the volume goes up. It will keep doing that as I talk even if I lower it the only way the volume stays is off I don't speak. Resetting has done nothing. Also, I mentioned that I previously had the auto pause for 5 seconds set for when it hears my voice and resumes music when it doesn't hear me but that didn't seem to work either
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Thank you for the additional information. As you have confirmed the settings and the troubleshooting does not help. It is recommended to have a technician take a look at the Buds. You can use the following link below to request service in the U.S. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/  or by contacting service directly at 1-800-726-7864.
For international devices, please reach out to a support team in your area for further assistance: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
I just found some new information about my problem. I usually wear my Right earbud when the volume increase while talking issue happens. I just wore my Left earbud and instead of increasing volume when I spoke, it decreases the volume.

I'm guessing it has a balance feature when wearing both but I often wear only 1.

Anybody know about this "feature" or setting and know how to turn it off?