Original topic:

All Sensor Lights (2 Greens & 1 Red) On During Sleep Hours

(Topic created: 08-30-2024 10:35 AM)
Galaxy Ring

Anyone experiencing the same situation that your ring's all 3 sensor lights are on during sleep hours?

Mine are on after I am in bed, usually between 11p and 8a next day.  They are not on and off during the sleep hours but constantly on.  They will turn off unless 1) or 2) below:

1) I take off the ring, the red light turns off first, then the green blinks and then all lights are off.  They all come back on after some time after I wear my ring back on my finger (still in bed). 

2) In the morning, after waking up, I turn on bluetooth to sync, then all lights are off.

- This does not happen during daytime or when I am not in bed.

- I have found some replies saying that the ring is taking data; however, the lights are on all night, unless I take it off mentioned in #1 above. 

What does this mean?  Please share any insights.  


4 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Ring
Galaxy Ring

@LongHiker I saw the post you provided above, it is basically you saying that it is normal behavior.  Would you have any official information from Samsung, an article, a documentation, anything that would state that having the 3 led lights on continuously all night long is indeed an expected behavior? If it is really an expected behavior, that would be the most odd thing I've ever seen and will need to return the ring as it impacts my sleep.

To me, the question here and there on the other post remain open.


Galaxy Ring

Hi Henry,

After I turned off the "Blood Oxygen during Sleep" feature, the red light went away at night.  Now it is just the 2 green lights being turned on which measures skin temp, heart beat, etc.  So I am guessing that is why the lights are on during sleep (it measures during sleep) .  After 3 weeks of use, I am somewhat used to the green light being on, except when I wake up, it is still on which is annoying.  I have to take off the ring to make the green lights go away. 

As for the documentation, I have not seen any, even on the Samsung website.   I know the above doesn't answer if it is normal or not, but this is my finding which I would like to share.  

PS. I still think the lights turn on whole night is weird.  lol

Galaxy Ring

Hey @Go4HelloKitty  thanks for your reply!

I wouldn't like to turn off any feature as the main reason to wear the ring is to exactly collect that information, specially during sleep.

I still think that it is weird to have all 3 led lights on, continuously, all night long, the thing is that, I am comparing it to the oura ring which has a special set of hardware (infrared), etc, to prevent disrupting the sleep in any way, no led lights on like that. I thought Samsung would use the same thought process and have all lights off most of the time and on a few seconds while reading the body's data during sleep time. That caused me to think, ok, have I got a defective unit? you know what I mean?

Thats why I asked if there would be any sort of official statement from Samsung saying, 'yes, thats how we designed it, all 3 led lights on all night long continuously', then ok, it would be up to me to see if I could get used to that or not, at least I would know for sure that I didn't have a defective unit.
