Original topic:

Preorder Feedback, Orders, shipping, etc.

(Topic created: 07-29-2024 03:49 PM)
Galaxy Ring

if you guys decide to introduce the product be sure you are well prepared as apple is.

You introduced the ring today, I wanted to order it and boom, website glitches after glitches, then sizing kit is out of stock, and there is no info how to measure to find the correct size, shame shame. support chat doesn't have any idea how to measure  it either, at some point they say "come back later" ...WOW

I would call that product introduction a disaster !

323 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Ring
Crazy is as crazy does. I also joined forces of complaints due to pushing my Watch 7 Ultra from Aug 14th to Sep 25th without notifying me.

Then this morning my order shipped UPS to arrive on the 31st (2 days) of July.

Amazing. They can do better, communications and transparency will yield more loyalty and less criticism. Pay attention Samsung!!
Galaxy Ring

On July 10 at 8:18 AM I placed an order for Watch Ultra, Galaxy Ring, and Buds Pro 3. All 3 were committed to be delivered on July 24. On July 23, I noticed that none of the products had been shipped, and the next day, instead of an expected delivery date, a message appeared that said there had been a delay, but no new delivery date had been provided. Now, after watching the drama unfold online of customers angry about delays, I am fully aware that there were quality issues with the buds and significant demand issues with the ring. There are even rumors of some issues with the watch. My concern is that while I am sure those issues are real, how in the world is it possible that, based on when I placed my order, I would not be one of the customers who received their order in the first waves? I am watching customers who placed orders days, even a week after mine, receive the product while I wait with no update. I have contacted customer support 3 times, wasted hours on hold or waiting for chats, and have received zero help of any kind from any agent. They just keep telling me they can't help and have no info on what is going on with my order. Again I get it, they got too many orders but why in the world would they not ship them in the order they were placed? Any business strategy expert knows that the most loyal highest value customers are the ones that placed orders right away this is the purpose of a "preorder" strategy, despite this and despite ordering all of the new wearables at the same time I am now being penalized for my loyalty. I could today cancel my order and probably track down these items from local retailers, admittedly at a slightly higher price. What is the purpose of a preorder? Why is Samsung executing so poorly that its faster to wait to order? I am sure Apple finds all of this very entertaining, and I sure wish there was another alternative between Samsungs incompetence and having to switch all of my devices to Apple. Samsung what were you thinking? Why cant you just stop shipping orders out of sequence? Who is running this clown show and why haven't you been replaced? As a customer experience professional I understand things happen but at this point I am embarrassed to be a customer and Samsung clearly does not want me to remain one.

I love how the Samsung community admins immediately deleted my topic and buried this post in another thread on a different product channel. Way to try and diminish the prevalence of negative feedback about the disaster of a product launch on your community. 

Galaxy Ring
I also pre-ordered the Ultra, ring, and Buds 3 pro. I got the faulty buds, and I Samsung is useless. Samsung, said I can get another pair, but I won't get the pre-sale discount. I told them it's not my fault, that the product is faulty. I've spent probably hours trying to fix it
Galaxy Ring

I am also waiting for my watch 7. I have ordered on July 18. Original delivery date suppose to be on 19th. I do not see estimate delivery date on samsung page. First live agent told me first week of Aug and now mid of Aug. This is totally not acceptable. Thinking to cancel this order and go with pixel watch. 

Galaxy Ring

This in an SMS this evening:
RM0 SAMSUNG: Dear valued customer, your pre-order from Samsung Online Store has been shipped out. Some accessories will be delivered separately. Thank you.

Galaxy Ring

 my watch 7 is keep delaying. I have ordered on July 18. Original delivery date suppose to be on 19th. I do not see estimate delivery date on samsung page. First live agent told me first week of Aug and now mid of Aug. This is totally not acceptable. Thinking to cancel this order and go with pixel watch. 

Galaxy Ring
Cancel the order and perorder from best buy and don't forget to ask for the extra 110 promotional discount if you are trading in I got mine same day
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Ring

Hello everyone, We want to welcome you all, and thank you all for being part of the Community. We know this is an exciting time of year and everyone is trying to get their orders in.

We wanted to reach out as a reminder, the community operates on a peer-to-peer support model. While our members offer valuable insights and assistance, certain inquiries are best supported by a Samsung directly.

For questions or concerns, or if you need assistance with placing orders, trade-in concerns, etc. you will need to contact the E-Commerce team directly by calling 1-855-726-8721.

Be sure to click " āœ“ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Galaxy Ring

I contacted support multiple times for delaying my order and they have no idea when i will be getting my order. Contacting samsung support is waste of time in my opinion.

Galaxy Ring


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent change in the delivery date for my watch order. I pre-ordered this watch on July 13th, now the delivery date has been pushed back to September 25. This is unacceptable and I am requesting that Samsung take immediate action to rectify this situation. Waiting two months for new tech is a lifetime considering the next latest and greatest is just around the corner.

I believe that Samsung could have communicated this change to me with options to improve the experience. I only became aware of the delay when I checked my order status online. I would appreciate it if Samsung could improve its communication with customers in the future.

I am a loyal Samsung customer and hope this is a one time thing. However, this recent experience has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. I hope that Samsung will take my concerns seriously and take steps to ensure that this does not happen again.
