Original topic:

How to uninstall Digital Wellbeing, preventing Google voice commands?

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S Phones

I tried to set a timer on Google by voice, and it said I have to download didgital wellbeing. So I did, and all its doing is tracking my use time.... nobody else has ever heard of it, and it won't let me Uninstal it! Still can't use Google voice command either!

Thanks for any help....

2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S Phones

Hello, welcome to the Community, and thanks for reaching out. The Digital Wellbeing app is an official app that is standard on Samsung devices running One UI 5 on up. You should not have had to install it, but information on it can be found here: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00085547/

As far as using a timer set on your Google voice command, can you elaborate on what steps you took to get to that point? And when you say you are unable to use Google voice commands, do you just mean for the specific request of setting a timer, or in general?

Galaxy S Phones
Thank you for responding, I appreciate it. One way or another, I have been able to use the voice command. It's been some time, and I'm technically challenged, so I'm not sure what I did! In the beginning I just went to start a timer using voice command, and the window popped up. I didn't try any other voice commands, so I don't know if it effected anything else. All seems OK now, I don't know why or how, except I have since been getting pop-ups, with advertising over a page, and what looks like the same blue icon its really annoying. I think it's from the wellbeing app, but don't know for sure because I just close it. Next time I get it I'll take a screen shot. Thank again for your help, apologies for the long winded reply!