Original topic:

Phone does not show any notifications until after I unlock my phone

(Topic created: 06-05-2023 06:58 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

I have a temp job where I'm required to turn off my phone at work. Whenever I turn it back on, it only does a sort of 1/2 startup, kinda like how Windows 2000 and later will boot to the Welcome screen and then wait for you to login before checking for updates and starting all the startup items.


My old phone the Galaxy S9 did not do this, but I had to replace it last year due to the 3G shutdown and my S9 not supporting VOLTE.  I bought an S105G on closeout.

The problem is that it will not alert me to missed calls or text messages until I unlock the phone, then I have to wait about 2 minutes after unlocking before I can use it as it boots all the startup apps.


Is there any way to remove this "security" feature and make it so the phone boots and loads all the apps, so I can turn it on, wait a couple minutes, then start using it instead of turn it on, wait 2 minutes, unlock the phone, wait 2 minutes, then use it?

Ideally I could do something like "wash hands, turn on phone, get from the bathroom to the break room, and start using phone right away" instead of "wash hands, turn on phone, get from bathroom to break room, unlock phone and wait."

I just find the feature more annoying and don't see the security advantage at all since the S9 (and HTC One X+ before that) would still be locked at startup.


So, how do I turn that "feature" off? Again, this is a Galaxy S105G

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

I think I may have found it based on other posts.
Setting->biometrics and security
->other security settings
Under data protection is "strong protection "

Of course it also turns off most security for your data to turn off this feature. 


View solution in context

16 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones
Short answer: No. Sorry.

Your Phone first has to load the UI, then it will prompt you for your password, then it can begin the process of turning on your apps and updating them.

BTW, Win 11 loads to the security screen, then stops to await your password before continuing to load your programs.
Galaxy S Phones

On my note 10+ this was under strong protection any idea where it could be on the Note 20? Just bought it today it's restarted 5 times already for different reasons like transfer and then the sim install and won't load any apps or give notifications until I unlock the device. Tried with and without a pin. When my phone auto restarts that means I'll get no notifications from 300am to whenever I wake up. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones
You can use a local account on Win10/11 and it boots right into Windows
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

I've had this phone about a year and keep thinking how much I liked the S9 better because of little annoyances like this.

That and I bought the S10 instead of an S20 or S21 specifically for the headphone jack to use NextRadio and then the next month they updated to Android 12 which disabled FM radio because of that stupid law in Italy and I can't get free FM off the airways when away from Wifi anymore just by plugging in headphones.

Galaxy S Phones
Yeah man there is no answer to rid of that It's just for Security policies and It's something you have to get used to
Galaxy S Phones

I am also asking this question.  Why do I have to unlock to receive "notifications and alarms from some apps  and the names of incoming callers"? Directly quoted from the Samsung device that just recommended I turn on automatic restart.  This used to be under a different  setting in my note 10 I forget the name something like extra secure or secure restart.  Anyway this is an annoyance and unnecessary.  I already have a pin on the device. So when setting up the new phone 3 days ago and it wanting to restart 5 times with all the updates it wouldn't complete any of them without me swiping  to unlock. I tried removing the pin. Nothing worked. I need Samsung  to figure this out and turn it off. If my phone restarts at 3am after a software  update I'm not getting texts, emergency calls, or my wake up alarm because  I didn't swipe??? Absolutely  ludicrous.  

Aidan Forsyth
Galaxy S Phones

I too would like a way to disable this idiotic feature. It's not good security and all it does is pis.s me off, if my phone dies or restarts and I turn it on, I MUST sign in just to have the phone function in its most BASIC capabilities. NO, I want the phone to actually start when it starts. Stop putting out these anti user features

Galaxy S Phones

I am also asking this question. It was under strong protection on the note 10. The note 20 ultra I just purchased keeps recommending I turn on auto restarting feature but if I do this then I don't have notifications if I'm not sitting by the phone waiting for it to finish restarting. Then it takes a while to end the phone starting up message plus the time it takes for the apps to appear. If it was emergent, I couldn't use the SMS emergency feature if I was kidnapped. This shouldn't be a requirement. Where can we complain other than here because it's being ignored here. 

Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S Phones

@userMmuORdzOdn Samsung keeps a watchful eye on these forums, so you definitely aren't being ignored. That being said, I don't believe there is a way to "preload" the phone prior to unlocking it after turning it back on. As frustrating as that is, the chances that you would be in an emergency situation in between restarting or turning on your phone are likely extremely slim.
