Original topic:

Single tap option to answer calls missing

(Topic created: 04-15-2019 07:35 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
I used to have the option in accessibility to set a single tap on the answer/end calls to answer a call. Now after the OneUI update it has gone back to me having to slide the Answer/end call button Is there a way to get the single tap back?
24 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

I could not find the exact option you had previously. However, in the Accessibility settings you can enable the functions of using the Volume Up key to answer, and Power key to end calls. You can use either option individually or together. Hope this helps you out.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

Yeah I'm aware of those settings already.  Can't believe it's been removed. Thanks for the reply. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

Go to Settings > Accessibility > Interaction and dexterity > Assistant menu > Enable it, then scroll down to "Single tap to swipe" and Enable it. The annoying part is now you have the assistant menu floating around on all screens. But you can take the transparency to zero and make the menu size small.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
The other confusing part is that not only do you have to to turn the Assistant Menu on, you have to click on the Assistant Menu line item to go into the Assistant Menu screen. There you will see Single tap to swipe [at least that's the way it is on my device] - I also determined that when searching settings it does not find the setting unless the Assistant Menu is turned on which defeats the purpose of searching if you do not know where a setting is. That is horrible that you must have the "floating" Assistant Menu on for this to work - like you said I have turned the transparency all the way up and made it small, but I still feel like I will end up hitting that floating menu at some point. I can't find a good place to put it.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

Yeah its annoying. I've tried the bottom of the screen didn't work well for texting kept hitting it. I have moved it to the middle of the screen on the right & it is less bothersome. But still terrible that it has to be there. I'm getting use to it

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

I just found a way to hide it. Go back to your Home Screen, tap and hold Assistant menu circle and you'll see the X to hide it. Drag an drop it there and its gone. You'll still be able to one tap answer. You'll notice the assistant menu is in the notification bar should you need to get back to it

Galaxy S Phones

Sorry but in my S10+ the button comes up again when dark mode is enabled according to a setting that enables it with sunrise. Very frustrating .Its a bug, cant be anything else. Also why "single tap to answer" should be here in Assistant menu? It sould be in Settings > Accessibility > Interaction and dexterity > Call end and answer options. Please Samsung remove it from Assistant menu. 

Galaxy S Phones

Aliakio, people use single tap to swipe for more than call answer or reject. I completely agree that Single Tap to Swipe has no business being in the Assitant menu, given no other assistive app feature (beside Single Tap to Swipe) appears in that sub-menu.


For my purposes though, I also use Single Tap to Swipe for snoozing or dismissing the ringer in the Samsung Clock's alarm. Based on this, while I agree Single Tap to Swipe should be in Accessibility, I think the feature should fall directly under Intraction and dexterity (as it did until fairly recently), as the feature is/should be system wide and applies to more than calls. 🙂

So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now! (Viktor Frankl) / What, me worry?(Alfred E. Neuman)
Galaxy S Phones

You are right, i use it too for clock amd reminders also. This feature should be moved from assistant menu. Completely irrelevant. Hope developers are listening.