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S22 Ultra Factory Reset

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S22
I have a S22 Ultra, and felt it was getting a bit long in the tooth performance wise. On top of that I had pretty much run through my 256GB of storage, and for a brief moment I thought of upgrading. Coincidentally that was right about the launch of the S25 Ultra. Lol! But instead I decided to do a factory reset as well as transferring my photos and videos to a backup system at home... A 2T hard drive for now until I get my home storagege network up and running. long story short, this thing now performs like new again. Even the battery appearsto be doing better. I even tested it against my wife's S24+, and although her device is one tier under the Ultra, this was a great guage as it was her device that made mine seem so sluggish to begin with. Bottom line, I've always felt that a new device every year is not what it's about. People who do that usually are the very one's complaining about micro upgrades from last year's iteration. A cellphone, tablet, laptop whatever needs a factory reset every few years, just like a car needs a tune-up. If you plan on keeping it for more than 2 years to get that smooth feeling back again. That said, that is what worked for me, you do what's best for you. No, hopefully Samsung brings back Bluetooth to the S-Pen realizing that this device is not about how often a feature is used. But instead having the luxury of using a feature when the moment arises without a thought of it.
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Galaxy S22