Original topic:

Drop Down Icons One Ui 6

(Topic created: 11-27-2023 02:09 PM)
Galaxy S23


Can anyone tell me how to change the drop down icons back to default? They used to match the actual icon of the app, so it was easy to see if it came from Gmail, Outlook, security cam, whatever.... Now EVERY one of them comes in as a black and white circle, not only can I not see the difference like I used to, it's just ugly. 
The color palette is "off", I've tried it both ways. 
Yes, I have Good Lock.... But it doesn't have an option for these icons, and I really shouldn't need to have a separate app for this.... Just like I really shouldn't be spending my evening trying to figure out how to restore a simple setting which I never asked to be changed. 
I'm hoping the community can help, because god knows Samsung won't..... I'm so glad I've been phasing their products out of my life.. They don't stand behind anything and they refuse to assist other than: "Duhhh ummm, restart your device, try this link to a completely unrelated article, and then take your device to your nearest authorized Samsung repair facility..... We don't know anything about our own products once we've taken your money" 

Thank you
3 Replies
Galaxy S23
I'm having the same issue.. the drop down menu is horrible now... I always have my phone in dark mode and my drop down menu would always match the black...now it's a horrible bright Grey and white and the only way to fix it is to turn off dark mode...however, then all my other menus/messaging go to back to bright white! Insanely annoying... I have a s23 and I'm about on my last brain cell with these stupid updates they do for no reason..Samsung we just want security updates!!!
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23

@usergakfnNcMgz Have you tried enabling phone settings -> Notifications -> Advanced settings -> Show app icon in notifications? 

Galaxy S23
Ahh there we go... Thank you
That seems a REALLY odd thing to gave been changed by a UI update... It would also be nice if they would province a link to a comprehensive list of update notes and reported problems... Like, BEFORE my phone asks me to install an update with the annoying tenacity of a 5 year old..... Dad dad dad dad dad update time dad dad update, restart, dad dad install dad dad dad dad.
Regardless, figured the answer would come from another member and not from Samsung themselves.... Thanks again