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Google storage vs. Samsung storage, photos getting deleted

(Topic created: 02-04-2025 01:58 PM)
Galaxy S23

I have an S23+ with 512 gb of storage. I am expecting photos that I take be saved to my phone. What I am finding is if I delete a photo from Google photo app. It also deletes it from my phone and this is very infuriating..

Google keeps telling me I am running out of storage space and I have plenty of internal storage on my Samsung. Why can't the space storage be equivalent? I refuse to purchase more storage space on Google..
Also, since when does deleting a photo on Google photo app automatically, delete it from your gallery photo app. This has never happened before. 
4 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
The google saying you have no storage, is because your emails, Google drive, and anything google uses data on your google, and so does photos, so there is nothing you can possibly do about it besides deleting things off of your google drive and email
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23

@Hulahoop0 Google photos is acts as a mirror to the photos on your device. So if you delete from the phone or the Google cloud, it is deleted from the other place. It has been like this for some time. 

You could turn off Google photos backup. Then, if you want the photos backed up, you would need to use File Manager or Google's Drive app to copy the photos to the Google cloud. 

To get more free space in the Google cloud you would need to delete items from your Google cloud storage, or purchase more space. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

Google is backup storage.  Any photo you delete from Google will delete off your phone, as Google assumes if you are deleting the backup, you no longer want the photo.  It has been this way for a couple of years now, since Google decided they wanted to be Shutterfly. If you are trying to clear up space on your actual device, delete the photo from your device through gallery.  The photo will remain in Google photos and be viewable from the Google Photos app.  You only get 15GB of free  storage from Google, so if that fills up, they will prompt you to pay for more and stop backing up photos until you do. You can check on how much space you have left in Google by opening Google photos or just viewing your Google account.  Keep in mind that the 15GB that Google gives you free also includes anything you have in Google drive and Gmail, so make sure you clean out Gmail regularly.  The storage allocation is not equivalent because Google is not a charity, it's a commercial enterprise. 15GB is also pretty sufficient for the majority of users.  If you are an Amazon Prime member, Amazon has unlimited photo storage for as long as you are a Prime member.

If you want to retain the photos that were backed up to Google, offload them from your phone to a flash drive or computer through the file manager they will remain in Google, but be off your phone.  If you want to clean up Google's backup, transfer your photos off your device and then delete them all from Google. You can also forgo Google's backup entirely by turning it off and just periodically transferring or copying your photos to a flash drive. 

Galaxy S23
Thank you. I ended up downloading to an external drive and deleting most photos.