Original topic:

Automatic date and time keeps turning itself back on

(Topic created: Thursday)
Galaxy S24



I live in a town where I boarder two state lines. Although my state is on CST, my town is on EST. I have turned off my settings to adjust to the time zone based on my location from my network but on occasion the settings continue to turn themselves back on when I cross into parts of the area that are on CST. It has created an issue because I work in a state that is EST as well.  I woke up late one day because my phone had reset the settings and turned an hour back. 

This is becoming a long term issue because I can't just call out of work when I'm late.  I'm the manager and have to open up! 

How can I set this to not turn back on or what is the proper setting to keep it turned off? My s21 ultra never had this issue. Settings stayed the way I had them set. I've had this s24 since Feb and it's an ongoing issue.


4 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24
Turn off all settings related to automated time. If it still continues to change to automated, turn off location unless/until you actually need it. Do you, by any chance, have a watch connected to it?
Galaxy S24

I have turned all settings off. Automatic date and time as well **bleep** automatic time zone due to network. It continues to turn itself back on. 

Yes, I do have a watch attached. And that will even change time zones when attached to my phone. The settings could be turned off and it could be synced to my phones settings and it'll still change time zones. 

Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

OK, try this:  Turn off BT on the watch to disconnect from your phone.  After the disconnect is complete (sometimes it takes a sec), on the watch (not in the wear app), go to the settings/general management.  Date and time should no longer be greyed and synced with watch (you can only adjust the watch time when disconnected from the phone).  Tap on the date and time, make sure the slider for auto is set to off and manually set the time.  Go back to the phone settings and make sure the auto features are turned off, set the time, and then reconnect the watch.  You cannot manually set the time on the watch while it is connected to the phone, as the "set by watch" function will always override.  This happens to me sometimes when I am traveling and constantly switching time zones.  In those cases, I keep my watch in airplane mode, but connected by BT.  It always frustrated me that when I take off the automation on the phone, it always creeps back on somehow (this didn't start happening until Android 13, btw). I have begun to theorize that somehow the watch being connected to the phone somehow creates an automatic command to set the time automatically.  I have not tested this theory myself since it popped into my head, because I haven't traveled since then. I did notice, however, that the automatic settings only turned back on if I had rebooted the phone for any reason.  Frankly, it only really bothers me if I'm cruising, since I cannot turn my phone's cell signal on, and the automatic time comes from the cellular signal, not the wi-fi (even if it did come from wi-fi, even though a captain may change the ship's time, I think the access points remain on satellite time.

You could try disconnecting the watch from the phone for a few days, just as an experiment (I know it defeats the purpose of having the watch) and see if the automatic time settings continue to turn themselves on.  

Keep in mind though, with manual settings, if you are constantly crossing over the boundary from one time zone to another, you will either continually have the wrong time, or you will manually have to reset the time.  You are in a perpetually no-win situation it seems.

I don't know if there's a fix for it.  You could put in an error report with Samsung about the automatic time controls going back on after you turn them off.  They really should stay off if you turn them off.  Not that this, by itself isn't a problem, but your time adjusts itself depending on which cell tower your phone connects with; and you could be switching towers from one room the next in your own home.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S24
Addendum. I see you mentioned that it started with your S24. Now that I think about it, it started happening to me after I switched to my A54. I misrembered and thought it started with my S10 lite after the Android 13 update. But, last time I went overseas, it was with the A54, so maybe someting in the oneUI 6.0/6.1 is amiss. I think I will put in an error report as well. All this started happening before I even knew there was an error reporting mechanism, and since it wasn't affecting me constantly, as it is you, I never even gave it a thought to try to get to the bottom of it.