Original topic:

Galaxy S24 - Change in touch interactions setting

(Topic created: Friday)
Galaxy S24

I tend to keep my phone on silent because sounds and vibrations generally annoy me. However, there are some times when I like vibration feedback. For example, if I press a button on the navigation bar or I long press an app, then I don't mind the vibration feedback. However, I do not like vibration feedback for other tasks such as when I dismiss a notification or toggle a slider on/off for some setting. 

I recently went from an S9 to an S24 and noticed a difference regarding the vibration feedback. The setting I am referring to is: Settings > Sounds and vibrations > System vibration > Touch interactions. When this was toggled on on my S9, it applied to: pressing a button on the navigation bar, long pressing an app, and probably other things that I cannot think of at the moment. But it did not apply to: dismissing a notification or toggling a slider on/off for some setting. So it was more or less how I wanted things. On the S24, however, that setting applies to all the items I've mentioned in this post. 

Is there some other setting I should be using to achieve my desired result? Any help would be appreciated!

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