Original topic:

Google Messaging Profile Pics

(Topic created: 5 hours ago)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Most of the profile pics are missing even when I create a profile card. They just happen to me last night. Never had this issue before. I did a software upgrade two days ago and wondering if that has anything to do with it because my phone started running really slow. I downloaded good guardians from Samsung store and seems to make my phone run a little faster. Does anyone know why profile pictures are not showing in Google messages?
1 Reply
Galaxy S24
I've been fighting this battle myself. I noticed that often times, the contact's app may flip over to using profile pictures from the Samsung account instead of the Google account. It's even worse if they're a Samsung user and using Profile Picture Sharing. Google Messages just doesn't seem to like it. If you have the defaults in the contact's profile to a Pic that you had set from your Google account, that seems to work. Hopefully, that made some sort of sense...lol... I thought I was the only one dealing with this. I'm in the Google Messages Beta and have been reporting this to them.