Original topic:

Is using wireless charging that bad?

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S24

I have heard thar using wireless charging is bad for the battery because it causes it to heat up.

I have a base s24 and i'm planing on charging it to 80% at night with the cable so the battery has the best posible case scenario but when i get home from work it has 40% battery so i'm planing on buying a 5w charging pad to do a small fill up to around 55% while i'm studying at my desk. I will probably buy the ikea one since i've heard it's good.

Would this use in a daily bases cause harm to the battery? Would it be much better if i used the cable when i do the fill up at the evening?

Thank you all and have a nice day!

3 Replies
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24
Wireless charging is all I use and I've never had any issues with my battery

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Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
The battery is going to heat up no matter how you charge your phone. More or less in different cases. Heat definitely wears it out. However, the phone is supposed to dissipate it the way it is designed. But, your phone case is 99% not made with that feature in mind. So, i would recommend taking it off when changing or using the phone for prolonged time, if you are concerned about your battery life.
Galaxy S24
I had an S20 FE for 2 years that I put on a wireless charger every night. I let it charge completely every time. Never bothered with that "limit to 80%" thing.

I mean, this is real daily usage, and all that theoretical "may hurt battery capacity a few percentage points over the course of a year" or whatever that's supposed to do, means nothing in real use. My battery never had a noticeable decrease in its capacity by the time I upgraded to the S24+.

Whether it matters or not, I don't use "fast charging", just normal rate. The battery lasts more than enough for the day, so I just lay it in the charging cradle at night when going to bed and pick it up in the morning - fully charged to 100% and ready to go. Still doing that with the new S24+.

Would the cumulative effect be noticeable after 4 or 5 years? I don't know. Maybe. If I keep this phone that long (and I plan to if I don't shatter the screen first like I did with the S20 FE), will it really matter that I get 30 or even 24 hours on a charge instead of 40 estimated hours that I get now? As long as I get from sun up to sun down, which is much less than 24 hours, I really don't care.

I have a basic Anker charger stand that I got from Amazon for all of 25 bucks. I originally bought it for the Galaxy S9 I had at the time, so that was 4 years ago. It can do fast wireless charging, but I just don't set the phone for that because I don't need to.