Original topic:

No More Smart Select thread gone?

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

I found the subject title on Google search when trying to research why I could not seem to select a circle. When I tried to follow the link it would not come up here.  I can only guess you guys deleted it. It also does not come up in a search. Why? 
From the summary of the post that I saw on the net, the poster has a valid question/complaint regarding a custom selection being taken away.  You have what you call a smart select that is not so smart! Why did you leave the smart select app on the phone if you killed it by not allowing it to live up to its name? Are there any plans to reinstate it or to improve it and make it smarter? 
After finding out how you put inferior parts in your TVs where 1/2 the screen goes dark after a year and a half, I am wondering if I made a mistake buying the S24. I have been a steady customer since 2001. Should I stop? waiting for an answer. 

1 Reply
Galaxy S24
Smart select isn't gone just slimed down. There's no circle but the square, pin, and gif options are still there. They also added some AI stuff if your into that.