Original topic:

Thousands of steps added daily

(Topic created: 15 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch

My original post was incorrectly removed as they thought it to be a duplicate of this one: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-Watch/Galaxy-4-5-series-Watch-Step-Counter-tracks-steps-w... but it is NOT.

My watch, or Samsung Health, appears to add thousands of steps every day right afteer my energy score is calculated. THAT is my issue, not because of my watch and phone vibrating at night, as the step count is innitially zero, and then goes up by SEVERAL thousand immediately after the energy score calculation, just this morning alone was over 8K steps!!

This is from my original post, please read it in  it's entirety to see that it is NOT a duplicate of the linked discussion above:

Again, I have a Google Pixel 9 XL Pro (first time with non-Samsung product in forever) with a Galaxy Watch 7 and I notice that every morning the watch adds several thousand (upwards of 8K or more) after it calculates my sleep score for the night. This may actually be when it calculates my energy score, but one of those two seems to be the catalyst for thousands of steps being added after I wake up in the morning.

Both my watch, and the phone have the most recent Samsung Health app and are updated to the latest versions of any software, to include OS updates. I wear my watch every night, and have no idea what could be causing the problem, beyond either sleep score, or energy score calculation.

Looking for any help or suggestions from anyone. Not ruling out a reset of the watch, but preferably not, as if that solves the problem, it may return in the future which leads to continually resetting it for something so simple.

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