Original topic:

Watch 5 unable to remove Samsung Pay from launching when button is pressed

(Topic created: 08-27-2022 04:54 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

I just received a watch 5 yesterday and I can't get rid of the Samsung pay on the bottom button. According to the manual you're supposed  to have it on  The top button And Bixby on the bottom button but it was reverse. I did a live thing with Samsung and they took control of my phone in my watch and they couldn't get rid of it either any suggestions from anyone? This is my 1st Samsung watch. Also wonder how can you see emoji's people post in messages and if you can put Facebook on your Watch ty in advance


5 Replies
Galaxy Watch
Hi Vita. I have had that watch for years now. Im not sure about switching the position of Samsung Pay and Bixby. Your emojis should come up in texts anyway unless theyre turned off. Play around with the Settings in your watch, as well as the Settings under Wearable on your phone because some changes can only be made via your phone. Took me quite a while to learn it all. Just keep in mind that the more you put on your phone i.e., Email, Facebook, etc the faster your battery dies from the incoming mail/messages.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I don't want to switch the my want to remove it and how could you have had it for years when it just came out on the 26th?
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@vitaloo Galaxy watch 3 and earlier had the back button on the top. But GW 4 and GW 5 have the back button on the bottom. Therefore Samsung pay is on the bottom (back) button. 






Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I know where it is I don't want it on there at all I'm trying to get rid of rid of it I'm not looking for the back button at all at all according to the manual Samsung pay should be on the top button but it's on my bottom button and I can't get rid of the stupid thing
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Hello, We understand the importance of being able to customize the function of the buttons on the Watch. This article provides the steps for assigning which app opens when the home button is double-pressed, and choose whether when short pressing the bottom (back) button you go to recent apps or the previous screen. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00084743/


Currently, long-pressing the bottom (back) button does open Samsung Pay. At this time there is not an option to change this function. 


We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.