Original topic:

Samsung Q990D unresponsive after 1020 firmware update

(Topic created: Saturday)
Home Theater

Since the update, the soundbar is unresponsive and can't be reset.


Seems like quite a few people with the issue

355 Replies
Home Theater

Same issue here in Ireland since yesterday. Seems completely insane that not only is there's no response from Samsung on this, but they still havent take down the broken firmware. They're not even trying to stop the bleeding here.

I spoke to their customer support yesterday and was told that my only option was to send it off for repair. I'm hesitant to do that because I don't have a box to put it in or know where I could even get one. Hoping there will be a new firmware published to fix this but it seems increasingly unlikely.

Home Theater

In the UK, Samsung will send a Repair company to collect the bar and repair it.  Ask them to do the same for you.  It is their responsibility under UK and EU consumer regulations.  If there is an issue, the retailer you bought it from is fully responsible to act on your behalf under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 in the UK, I do not know what the regulation is called in the EU but it is just as effective.

Home Theater

@mattd1 , totally agree with you. 

if theyā€™re expecting customers to send new items that are less than a year old. And only perhaps to get their goods in a worse state. Then they will have bloodshed on their hands and people suing them till Kingdom come. 

Home Theater

Itā€™s truly a disgrace how Samsung is handling this, and the form of communication, or rather the complete lack of any form of communication. How can such a large international company deal with this so amateurishly? Just manage the expectations!!!

Home Theater

@SamsungMod any company provided update here? Support simply ā€œpasses alongā€ the questions about widespread issues 

Home Theater

Has anyone tried manually flashing the firmware to see if that fixes it?

Home Theater

This topic most likely has been covered already, but IF you are fortunate enough to still be on version 1016 either by chance, or by disabling auto-update...applying the 1020.7 update via USB did work for me. I spoke to Samsung to discuss best path forward given I'm on 1016. They suggested updating via USB and felt very confident this should not be an issue. The 1020.7 update issue 'appears' to manifest itself in many cases during over the air (WiFi) updates, not USB. Of course, if your system is 'bricked' this will not work as many have already indicated.

I disabled auto update as soon as I heard about it (day 1), also disabled Q990d WiFi client in my router just to be sure.

The directions provided by Samsung on their website are pretty straight forward. Just be sure to have the 2 folders at the root level of the FAT32 USB stick and you will need to re-enable the Q990D WiFi client in your router just prior to beginning the process (if you disabled it earlier). Took about 5 minutes total to update.

Some may ask - why not just leave it at 1016? Great question. I guess I felt comfortable enough with the tech support person I spoke with to proceed. He was very knowledgeable and helpful. For others in this same position, they will have to decide what is best for them.

Man - this really sucks for all those folks affected. I got lucky - plain and simple.

Home Theater

Iā€™m on 1016, but mine is still bricked. Was yours frozen or still working properly when you USB installed?

Home Theater

Just brought whole system to UPS as instructed, out $42 in packaging!  I expect Samsung to keep us whole and offer something as compensation for this disruption. 

Home Theater

Yeah, I got into the same issue in India. The sad part is I just bought it on Feb 22. On March 10, I got into this issue because it got auto-updated. So, I escalated this matter to Samsung, and they tried remote diagnosis. But they failed, saying it's a software issue, and they assigned me to a technician. But, when the technician arrived, he not even tried a software diagnosis. He directly disassembled the unit, which I bought 2 weeks ago. At the end he couldn't find any problem. Since he disassembled my unit within the purchase of 2 weeks I asked for an replacement unit and they agreed for it.