Original topic:

2024 recent update to family hub is not good! Date time too small and so many weird changes.

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Kitchen and Family Hub

PLEASE REDO THE LATEST UPDATE to the fam hub on fridges  

it is no good!  So many things!  The main  one is the date and time. It is so small. Makes no sense!  Thatā€™s the main thing everyone looks at!

Plus the options are all over the place and difficult to move around. SMH please send another update fast and consult with someone who actually uses the family hub  I see multiple complaints online about this update. 

6 Replies
Kitchen and Family Hub

Cannot agree more. Date/time is completely unreadable unless youā€™re right by the door. Please let us have the big (legible) clock back! 

Kitchen and Family Hub

I, too, would like to vent and rant about the latest 9.0 update. The Internet app, which I use often, crashes frequently. Before, I was able to watch TubiTV on the browser just fine, but now it crashes easily that it's no longer watchable. Same thing with Youtube on the browser. The dedicated YT app isn't any better. I find it laughable how they now have a YT app but it crashes frequently and and we can't watch any movies on it (Says something about not supporting the mobile browser and to update the app). I also was able to watch a few livestreams from various websites before and now those, too, crash often. And before you say, Samsung TV Plus is not a viable option for me because the picture quality is poor and none of the programs on there interest me.

I don't know what they did to the browser in this 9.0 update (even a browser from 20 years ago worked better than this, haha) but please consider to fix it, Samsung. This feature was important to me because I would often go on the Family Hub when my wife and kids are on the TV or PC in the other rooms and I don't like using a small phone to do all these things. Oh, and if you're reading this, Samsung, please add a night mode to the browser like you already do with the Samsung Internet app on Android! That would be really nice.

Kitchen and Family Hub

Completely agree. I think the latest update was awful. Part of my routine is to listen to the ā€œMornIng Briefā€. It was my favorite feature that helped me hear the weather, listen to whatā€™s on my calendar for the day, and also a nice brief NPR clip of the news. The AI voice sounded natural and was pleasant, now itā€™s laggy and extremely slow. Not happy

Kitchen and Family Hub

YES I totally agree & every time Samsung updates the Family Hub they make it worse.

Now the "White Board", which used to always show the messages we wrote in the lower right of the screen, is gone - turned into an app, which BTW makes it no different from the "memo" app. But the idea behind a white board is that it's always open so we can see the messages we wrote without having to stop & interact with the screen. What is the point of making it harder to see & just duplicating another app?

Whatever "genius" though of this change should be fired. Did you actually test this with consumers or did your brilliant developers just make change for change's sake? This is absolutely a terrible idea and you need to change it back ASAP.

The primary reason we bought this refrigerator was the Family Hub. Between this & the disastrous ice-maker issues (plus the fact that Consumers Reports & others all recommend LG) I would not buy another Samsung product.

Fix this & save this customer!!

Kitchen and Family Hub


fix this update now. Itā€™s not that hard!!

Kitchen and Family Hub

The new update got rid of my favorite feature. I used the SmartThings Video Widget to keep the steam of my Nest doorbell camera (see attached)



on the fridge now it's completely broken. Come on Samsung! Eliminating features that your customers use is never a good idea!