Original topic:

Feature request: Flex Zone Temperatures

(Topic created: 5 hours ago)
Kitchen and Family Hub

I would like to request a feature for the Samsung Family Hub refrigerator OS:

Currently the Flex Zone on the Samsung refrigerator can be set to only five settings: Freezer temperature, 23 F, 30 F, 36 F, 41 F.  But the main cavity can be set to any temperature from 34 to 44, degree by degree!  I would like the ability to change the setpoint on the flex zone to any temperature, perhaps using the "use case" settings as guidelines that can be subsequently tweaked.

I have meat that occasionally freezes in the 30F zone, so I would like to set it to 31 or 32.  Obviously it would freeze at 23, and would spoil if kept at 36.

Thank you for consideration.

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Kitchen and Family Hub
I think the flex zone should be able to be set by degree but I, personally, would never put meat in the flex drawer. A catering tray perhaps, but not raw meat. Meat will freeze at 32 as 32 is the freeze point. My fridge is set to 41 degrees and meat and perishables stay fresh just fine. I keep my flex at 33 because I like my seltzer really cold.