Original topic:

65" NeoQLED needs to warm up before operating properly

(Topic created: 12-16-2023 06:09 AM)
QLED and The Frame TVs

Hoping someone else out these has experienced this and can offer guidance on a fix.

I have a 2021 65" NeoQLED that has operated flawlessly for almost 2 years.  Recently, powered on the TV like normal and I have a nearly black screen.  Flashlight test shows an image on the screen.  I have found that if I leave it on like this for about 10 minutes, power it off and wait to hear the click after about 10 seconds, then turn it back on, the TV operates normally.  Picture is perfect.  I have left it on for over 16 hours and the picture and sound are perfect.  I can switch it on an off without issue once it is "warm".  If I switch it off for a few hours and the TV cools down, I have to repeat the warming procedure.

The TV is easy enough to take apart and I have inspected the trio of boards.  I don't appear to have any cold solders and all the cables appear to be seated and in good shape.  I did order a new Subcon board recently and plan to replace it and see what happens.  

Any ideas?  Thanks.

7 Replies
QLED and The Frame TVs

***It certainly sounds like a power output issue. Sounds like power supply is not outputting enough power to the LED's. Probably a blown Capacitor. Hence when you leave it on like you stated. It can eventually get enough juice charged to power it up.***

I'm posting a piece I wrote about the problems with these types of Televisions. It's for informational purposes to give a better idea as to what happens. Many users may not understand why they are experiencing the issue. I'm sharing it for them.

I've tried to break it down with my explanation. Thank you!

"This is a common symptom of LED Televisions. Here is a generalized idea of what's happening with your Samsung Television.

As far as the issue you are experiencing from what symptoms you do mention. It sounds like there's a problem with the power board side of your Television. That's not to say that it's just the power supply board or just one issue. The issue you are experiencing is the internal system that protects the Television from further damage.

It very well could be that there are LED Strips that have gone bad. The internal Power Supply Expects an expected uptake voltage to the LED's. The LED's are supposed to consume that expected power. When it senses that the LED's aren't consuming the power they should be. It will cause the Television to shut off.

I hope that I have given you an idea as to where to look. I don't work for Samsung nor can my advice be taken as being for Samsung Corporation or any of it's Affiliates. Depending on the age of the Television and how much you want to pay? You could have it repaired or fix it yourself. My personal opinion." - OoMATRIXoO

Again, thank you for your question regarding your Samsung Television. Thank you for using the Samsung Member's Community. Thank you!
QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks for the reply.  I thought it sounded like a power board issue as well but decided on the Subcon board first.  When I first power on the TV and hear a faint click, I know I am going to have a backlight issue.  After the warmup period, the click when powering back on is a more pronounced click.  The Subcon board is the low hanging fruit at $30 so I'll start with that one.  Maybe there is a bad relay on this board that is the cause and why the backlights don't fire until the TV is properly warm.  We shall see.

QLED and The Frame TVs
Thank you for your reply! I'd be interested in hearing if it is indeed the SubCon Board as well! That is another major failure point with these TV's
QLED and The Frame TVs

You were right. Power board issue. Replaced it and TV powers on normally. Thanks. 

QLED and The Frame TVs
It's not quite the same but I have a Q80a 65" that needs to warm up before it will properly switch over to Game Mode when the Xbox launches a game. Instead of successfully switching, it reboots itself and loads back into the normal mode, leaving me with audio but no video. So from memory (admittedly easy) I hafta homescreen the Xbox to get my picture back, then pull the game back up and hope Game Mode switches successfully. Sometimes it'll reboot 3 or 4x before finally making the switch. Even more interesting is its 55" twin right next to it never does the same thing. Bizarre.

Apologies but I don't have any guidance. I've just lived with it because I don't have a huge load of confidence in warranty repairs these days and so long as it still works (eventually, sometimes) I'm trying to ride it out.
QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks. That is bizarre.  Wondering if your screen is indeed black or if there is a dark image.  Have you tried shining a flashlight on the screen?  I originally thought my screen was black with audio but flashlight test did reveal an image. 

Such a shame to have an issue with a TV less than 2 years old.  Picture on these TV's is stunning and I was hoping to get at least 5 years out of it.   

QLED and The Frame TVs
I haven't tried the flashlight yet but (assuming I remember) I absolutely will next time it happens.