Original topic:

Firmware 1520 Breaks CEC For Samsung Frame 2022

(Topic created: 08-31-2023 04:03 PM)
Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

If you're considering buying a new Frame TV and use an external HDMI device (Xbox, Playstation, Apple TV, Nintendo Switch, Chromecast, etc...) the TV will not work correctly with them. Be warned.

Firmware 1520 update has broken CEC for Samsung Frame 2022 models (and possibly more). This means that Frame TVs returning to Art mode after using a device is functionally broken.

Devices that should be powering off the TV via CEC are no longer recognized by the Samsung TV, there are multiple threads about this but they tend to specifically mention devices (Apple TV, Chromecast, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS5, etc...).

The common denominator here is that ALL CEC power off events for ALL devices are now broken with the latest firmware update, they used to function correctly before this update.

If you hard power cycle the TV, the very first CEC power off event will work correctly, but then it never functions correctly again. Instead of powering the TV down or returning to Art Mode (whichever you have configured) the TV now sits in "Check device power" screen. This effectively breaks the entire functionality and purpose of having a Frame TV...which is that it returns to Art mode after you're done with whatever you're doing.

Samsung techs are blaming Microsoft, Apple, Google, Nintendo, and Sony and telling people to call their tech support. The common denominator here is Samsung, not every other device manufacturer.

The latest firmware update has broken Samsung Frame TVs, and there is no way to downgrade firmware. We all just get to wait while Samsung is blaming everyone else and not working on a fix. The tech that I spoke to was super nice, but told me that "my scenario is very uncommon" and that their firmware is not broken. This is objectively not true. This firmware update is broken. Please fix it, please let me downgrade. 

In the meantime, hopefully your device supports power-down and volume controls via IR. This isn't a long term solution though. Samsung needs to acknowledge this and roll back or hotfix whatever change broke this.

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

One more voice... Frame 85" 2022 + AppleTV 4K 3rd Gen here.
Firmware 1520.7 broke everything, Samsung support blaming Apple of course. Even worse : tech guy told me it was made "on purpose" that TV switched back to DTV when no signal was detected from AppleTV. I spent 1 hour on the phone trying to explain the CEC principle etc... but the guy was so incompentent... Anyway.
I requested that he escalated the case to L3 support and/or dev team. He told me he would and he would call me back the following week. It's been almost 3 weeks and nobody called back obviously.
It's really a shame. It's the exact opposite of a good customer service (like Apple or Amazon for example, etc...). They are just incompetent and blame everyone else. They don't even know how their product should operate. Anyway... I'm pretty sure that at some point a fix will be released, and you'll see that it will fix the CEC issue and it won't even be mentioned on the change log, I can bet on that šŸ˜‰

QLED and The Frame TVs

Iā€™d like to add to these comments as an owner of a 2023 43ā€ The Frame model, as Iā€™m experiencing the same frustrating issues. I purchased this because of constant rebooting issues with my 2021 model, and donā€™t want to waste my time with support phone calls. Iā€™d like acknowledgment that Samsung have seen and recognise these issues and commit to a resolution. 

QLED and The Frame TVs

I would also like to include another source of frustration from a Frame owner to this list. It's quite frustrating that this update has disrupted the CEC functionality of the TV. Like many others, I use an Apple TV (ATV), and when it goes to sleep or I power it off, the Frame fails to handle the CEC trigger correctly. Instead, it switches over to Samsung TV+ and starts consuming data independently, which is unacceptable.

Now, I'm forced to disable Samsung TV+ to avoid this issue. Furthermore, the only way to activate art mode is by using the Samsung remote. Despite trying resets and tinkering with all available options, I have been unsuccessful in finding a proper workaround for this problem.

QLED and The Frame TVs

I bought a frame tv but canā€™t connect it to the internet to use it properly due to this firmware update. I canā€™t believe Samsung has let this problem go on this long.

QLED and The Frame TVs

I had a call with someone in support who actually followed up. They confirmed the CEC issue with a senior technician and there will be a new software set to release to the public OTN on October 18th. This release showed poor due diligence from Samsung and will be causing support chaos right across the world. Fingers crossed they come through with the update and learn from the mistake.

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

Wow, ok thank god we got a drop of information. Pretty crazy itā€™s going to take them another month to resolve still. I guess their engineers donā€™t use any sort of version control like git. They must not understand the concept of a rollback. Given the quality of the software, that tracksā€¦


Well on October 19th if this isnā€™t resolved Iā€™ll be ready to join the angry mob with my pitch fork. 

What a joke of a company. I canā€™t believe people put up with this kind of  in their phones too, let alone a tiny piece of functionality on a TV. 

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

Finger crossed for the "Oct 18th" date to be real.

Thank you so much for this valuable information. Shared in the main thread for everyone to see.

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

One more month of terrible TV experience to go!

QLED and The Frame TVs

Yep, just use the Samsung remote for power off in the meantime. Spent about 3 hours on this mission. Similar experience to the above, escalated to remote support, told it was a compatibility issue and to 'call Apple'. Called back anyway šŸ™‚ Pointed them to this thread. In the end it's who you get. Credit to Daphne in support who actually listened and took the issue up. Lesson from this is: Be kind and keep trying.

QLED and The Frame TVs

I would like to believe you guys, but no official word so take it with a grain of salt. In the mean time this thing is turned off completely. LOL Jokes on us for spending premium on this.