Original topic:

Streaming Apps Will Not Load Content, Not Even Samsung TV PLUS

(Topic created: Wednesday)
QLED and The Frame TVs

Samsung Neo QLED 4K Smart TV (2023)
Model: QN85QN90CAF
Software Version: T-PTMCAKUC-0080-2011.0, E0371410, BT - S

On Saturday, Dec 7th, 2024 at approximately 9:30 PM CST, I lost the ability to use my streaming apps Samsung TV Plus, Hulu, and Sling. Since that time I have worked with Hulu and Sling and they have no solutions and had me contact Samsung support. I have chatted twice before and I only receive support that is equal to the resources that I found on their support website for "apps not loading".

I have deleted and reinstalled each app multiple times.
I have cleared the cache for each app under "Manage Storage".
I have cleared the cache for the TV by executing "Start Device Care".
I have soft reset the TV by holding the power button on the remote.
I have hard reset the TV by unplugging for 1 minute.
I have reset the Smart Hub.
I have factory reset the TV.
I have attempted to Update Software from the online and USB (downloaded from Samsung for my TV model) locations. I received a message that "No Updates are available..." under both scenarios.
I hard reset all my networking equipment, wired and wireless.

In my home I have this TV which is not working, and 2 PCs, 2 Samsung Galaxy S24s, and 1 iPad which are all working with Hulu and Sling great. I have been using my S24 to mirror Hulu since the TV is not working on its own. I would very much like to use my 85" TV as it is intended to work, though.

I saw one resolution where the user edited their DNS settings. How can I access my network configuration to manually set the DNS servers on this model? It all looks automatic?

I am now only able to watch Live TV via the HDTV antenna or mirror my S24. Are there any troubleshooting steps that are available beyond what is on the Samsung website? 


6 Replies
Honored Contributor
QLED and The Frame TVs
If it was possible to buy a dumb TV, I would. I have never used them, always prefer a streaming device. Apps are updated more frequently ensuring that they mostly work.

I am currently using Walmarts Onn Google TV Pro device. It is very fast has 32gb of storage, hands free using the built-in nest speaker.
It's on sale on for $39.

I love it!
Honored Contributor
QLED and The Frame TVs
Not used apps on my TV but think you covered everything possible as for the dns setting would either be be your router settings but think your asking on tv let me see what I can find OK here we go home button select settings choose general than network than network status run the network status test choose ip settings than dns setting select enter manually
QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks, I was able to locate the place to edit network settings on the TV and tried and  Tried static IP and port forwarding for 554, 1935, and 443.  Apps still not loading.  šŸ˜ž

Community Manager
Community Manager
QLED and The Frame TVs

Hi there Members_QsR87G7 and thank you for reaching out.  Based off of what you've mentioned with the connections, I have two things that I would like to ask you to try.  First, a connection via hotspot if possible.  Second, a direct Ethernet connection. If neither of those work, service would be the next suggested step BUT if they do work, contact your ISP to have them prioritize the television on your network.  This will get you back up and running.


Either way, let us know if this helps and if not, let us know so that we can get you set up for service.  

QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks @Samsung_Moderator , I left off the fact that I did hardwire the TV to an Ethernet port on the router via a new, 20ft CAT6 cable. That did not solve the problem. 

I also reached out to my ISP yesterday and there have been no changes on my 600 Mbps service (I consistently get over 600 Mbps download). 

I took your first approach just now, and disabled wi-fi on my hotspot (so it would only use the 5G wireless), logged in with the TV, and launched Sling - no go, still receiving the [8-702] 'can't load' error. I then disabled wi-fi on my Galaxy S24 (so it would only use the 5G wireless) and launched Sling - content came up immediately. 

Thanks again! 

QLED and The Frame TVs

@Samsung_Moderator, thanks for your post and how can I get set up for service?  I'd really love to have my streaming apps back and working on my 85" TV. 
