Original topic:

Universal remote - how to turn off devices?

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
QLED and The Frame TVs

I have a Q60D and I could sync my devices with the universal remote but I have a question... with the XBox and Playstation I can navigate to "Turn off" within the system of the consoles, but my LG Bluray and my Onkyo home theater don't have a "turn off" from he menu, their respective remotes have a turn off button, but the turn off button of the remote still turns off only the TV. Another problem with the LG bluray player is that I couldn't figure out if I have a way to open and close the tray and to access the BluRay/DVD menu with the Samsung control.

Can I do any of those things or do I still need to use their original remotes to do that?

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