Original topic:

Ads in Samsung app

(Topic created: 02-25-2021 07:53 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

I recently received the update to Samsung Music. The ad at the top of the tracks list is really annoying and is unacceptable for my flagship phone. I don't want to use a music app with and ad. Is there any way to disable these ads?

263 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services

Here's what I did after encountering the same advertisement issue in Samsung music:

1) go to"playlists"

2) tap on the + sign to create a new playlist

3) name the new playlist "1 Tracks" (yes I put a 1 first so the new list will always be on top)

4) when the screen changes to where you can choose what tracks you want to copy to the new list, select "all"

5) you now have a complete list of all your tracks to play from without any ads!

6) yay!

Samsung Apps and Services

@userbVgG9dr6MV wrote:

I recently recieved the update to Samsung Music. The ad at the top of the tracks list is really annoying and is unaccepatble for my flagship phone. I don't want to use a music app with and ad. Is there any way to dissable these ads?


Samsung Apps and Services
These ads should be illegal. Its advertising for a piece of software i already paid for when I bought this phone. Just like a bad defect, it's enough reason to buy a phone from a different company.
Stephanie Nikki
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services

These ads cannot be disabled, however,  you can turn off interest-based ads by going to settings > google settings > ads > click on opt-out.  We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.
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