Original topic:

Get rid of Extra Dim and Extra Brightness

(Topic created: 07-29-2023 12:19 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services
I hate that to get my screen to be as dim as possible, I have to turn on Extra Dim mode, and I hate that to get the maximum brightness out of my screen, I have to disable Auto Brightness and then turn on Extra Brightness. The buttons for Extra Dim and Extra Brightness should be removed.

The lowest end of the brightness slider should just be the display's minimum possible brightness, and the highest end of the brightness slider should just be the display's maximum possible brightness. Extra Dim and Extra Brightness modes should not exist.

Samsung makes such simple things so obnoxiously overcomplicated. On iphone, I just have the brightness slider, and it covers the entire range of the device's brightness capabilities. No need to think about what button is where and having to remember to turn off Extra Dim after I leave the theater. No need to remember to turn off Extra Brightness when I go back inside on a sunny day. Just make it simple!
8 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
I currently like the way it is set up.
Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services
This is the only post asking to remove them I myself and most others like you like it my advice to anyone that doesn't like it is to remove it or just don't use it
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services
Just turn on adaptive brightness and it will do everything for you including extra brightness in direct sunlight and dim in the dark all done with any thing that you need to do. With adaptive brightness off it's giving us more options for the manual user that's all😉Screenshot_20230726_165505_Samsung Members.jpg
Samsung Apps and Services
That's not true. When I'm in direct sunlight, my phone reaches the maximum brightness on the slider, but then when I turn off auto brightness and select Extra Brightness, the screen gets brighter. Samsung is clearly locking the display's true maximum brightness behind the Extra Brightness toggle. Samsung is clearly not letting auto brightness reach the panel's maximum brightness.
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services
What phone do you have? Mine does I wonder if its the sensors possibly ?
Samsung Apps and Services
High Brightness mode doesn't activate just by moving the brightness slider to maximum because people who don't use Auto brightness will damage their screens if theyf they leave that on too long. High Brightness mode only activates when ambient light reaches a certain level. Samsung isn't the only manufacturer that does it this way. It's to protect your device
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
Exactly. Other phones don't get as bright as Samsung and extra brightness is for extreme use cases. When I'm in bright sunlight the phone gets extremely bright, which is useful, but uses a lot of battery. It's not necessary 90% of the time.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you picknassaro,  for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.
