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One UI 7/ Android 15 Feedback and Feature Requests

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

Please include guests mode to ui 7 or mutiuser feature other small phone have it talkless of High cost phone. I hear the feature is included in iPad thanks

229 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
IOS 18 has RCS on by default and it creates a much better messaging experience for iOS to text Android users. They can choose to turn RCS off but I highly doubt the majority of users will.

If every user in the group is using an RCS enabled client, people are able to leave the group. If one user in the group is not using RCS it is no longer a group message but a mass text message via mms. Those are inescapable and all the more reason people should use RCS. Samsung has no control over that, that's just how the protocols work.

Google messages is now the default on all Android phones so every android user (who keeps it as the default) will have the same experience. Samsung messages did do some things better than Google messages but it is better for the android ecosystem as a whole to have a standard messaging platform that can then be built upon.
Samsung Apps and Services
Respectfully I disagree if the platform is worse and this is what i meant by my statement, years and years of stagnation. Whether a group message or mass message we should have the ability to prevent contacts from adding us without permission firstly, that's where it all needs to start. If it's an android standard, apple should not have admin responsibility. Toggling read receipts sure, toggling rcs shouldn't be an option, But even then this is carrier dependant which it shouldn't be and were still stuck here when other apps can execute these functions and provide it for free. There are several things wrong with messaging and it's 2024. Samsung and Google needs to do much better.
Samsung Apps and Services
-You asked for a messaging unification and got it through Google messages, having Samsung messages be the default doesn't work for the rest of the Android ecosystem.
-You can turn off RCS just like people can turn off iMessage.
-Leaving groups is a RCS benefit and was never going to happen with MMS.
-Google has taken over with Jibe a few years ago, yes the carriers had to agree but since the big 3 did in the US that shouldn't be an issue.

All the others are already using RCS which are all Internet based, just like iMessage, this is the transition from SMS/MMS (which they didn't have to deal with) to RCS

Btw that argument of "I bought a $1,000 phone" holds 0 weight. Samsung nor any company cares when you say that just like the "I've been a loyal customer"
Samsung Apps and Services
It holds weight for sure, that's the only way you see the desired changes. If your satisfied i respect that, but what are you really saying, it doesn't change the stagnation and failure of messages, if Googles attempt was good, I wouldn't be saying anything.
Samsung Apps and Services
The whole point of a standard is so that no singular company is in charge. RCS and (SMS before it) were developed by the GSMA which is a body that nearly every phone carrier and phone manufacturer around the world is a part of. SMS was developed in 1991 long before group chats, read receipts, and media sharing were even considered possible. As such you can't stop someone from sending you an initial message (group or otherwise) any more than you can prevent someone from sending you an email or regular mail. Once the contact has been initiated you can block them from sending further correspondence.

RCS has to be optional because it is web based. That's for two reasons.

1. Unfortunately many data connections around the world are metered (pay for the amount of data you use) so it is wise to give customers as many options as possible to limit the amount of data their phone consumes even if that means a poor messaging experience.

2. While the world is increasingly connected there are still spots where one may have a poor cell connection but no internet. And in those cases, instead of every message failing to send multiple times and then falling back to sms, it's easier to just be able to turn RCS off.
Samsung Apps and Services
There are messengers that allow you to distinguish who has the ability to add you to groups and there are other ways around it, but that would be a very handy option, and i understand the logic on poor connection, but i still believe it was poorly done, I understand choice and I'm absolutely for that I just believe the best experience should be promoted and provided and giving certain users the wrong power can damage the group. I would've packaged it a little different or nothing at all, but the truth is apple knows it's not ready that's why they allowed it
Neutron Star
Samsung Apps and Services
Just my thoughts but any messages service regardless of how it's used has the ability to remove or add individual or groups to it i.e send text to family as group or friends as group you can choose who to add before sent
Samsung Apps and Services
True but for less experienced users that continue to create groups, or just the baseline protection of preventing unknown numbers to, that option would be a convenience. It already exist. Google or samsung just don't have it.
Samsung Apps and Services
Not sure what you're on about, but Google owns android and they work with all these companies, it's up to these companies to choose if they use said features. RCS isn't a samsung thing, it's a carrier thing. I have full control over Google messages thru ATT, and Samaung messages, samaung is ONLY providing UI looks, not any of these features that you are upset over. Google also owns RCS that so many get upset over also.

Either way, I love what Google has done with Android and absolutely love using their messaging system.
Samsung Apps and Services
Good for you, millions prefer samsung messages as well, the pros and cons really doesn't matter to someone who's content. Select s24 in our forum and search messages you'll find all the information you need